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Want to install stone tiles indoors? Well, here is the perfect guide that can help you do so. But, if you do not know the application of stone tiles, you can ask an expert to assist you in installation. The write-up has mentioned the steps involved in indoor stone tiles installation. You can hire the professional installers as far as the tile installation needs to be done. Check how it blends well with the rest of the décor. The finishing, construction, light filtration are essential points that you keep in mind while you buy the indoor stone tiles.

Six steps to install indoor stone tiles- 

Below are the steps required to install the indoor stone tiles; one can follow for building an aesthetic look at their interiors.

Make the right choice of stone tiles

Although, making the right choice of stones tiles that can fit and match your walls is extremely important. Thus, if you do not find the perfect match in the samples, you can ask the designers to build one. To get the best designs for indoor stone tiles, you must note your wall layouts on paper. You can buy simple stones, or textured varieties or layered varieties that will look good on the walls, or on some parts of the floor.

Install stone tile backer 

You need to install an indoor stone tile backer using cement boards to begin the application process. You can also ask your designer for a perfect stone tile backer for the walls and rooms. After that, add blocking from grab bars to catch screws.

 Streak tile layout 

Extract a plumb line at the back wall’s center and analyze how many tiles will fit per the layout. You can also draw extra lines for pattern changes and cross-check the vertical and horizontal corners to form a perfect square. If you leave any slope, it will turn into an improper shape. Thus, it would help if you hide cut edges to give an aesthetic look to your indoor stone tiles and interiors.

Install the stone tile 

Often an indoor stone tile installs with thin-set latex additives and mortar-mix for a proper formation. You have to use white mortar for light-colored stones and black mortar for dark-colored stones, as applying stone tiles is never an easy process. It takes 15-20 minutes to install a stone tile.

Cutting method

One can slowly cut a stone tile with the help of a diamond blade wet saw. However, often the ends of indoor stone tiles easily break times, making it complicated for the users. Thus, it would be best to cut the ends while installing them at home. Also, you can add supportive plywood while drilling the tiles.

Seal the tiles 

Sealing the indoor stone tiles is the last step of the application process. Laminate the tiles with the help of a tile sealer to protect your marble from getting muddy. It is essential not to keep any empty space and to seal the tile properly. You can get various decors and finishes when you buy the indoor tiles online. After that, sharpen the lines by rubbing the edge of the tiled with a towel. Next, apply water on the stone tile, laminate it with a grout mixture, apply a tile sealer, and leave it for days. Now your application process is successful.


Installation of indoor stone tile is complicated and easy simultaneously if done with expertise. However, it is a time-consuming process but delivers exciting results when completed. Users who wish to add beauty to their interiors by adding stone tiles can follow these steps and see its outcome in subsequent days.