Are you has many questions in your mind? The best Teeth Replacement Melbourne will solve all doubts through this blog. Here rounded up most of your doubts regards new teeth instead of you with an expert’s answers. Now new teeth process is considered a regular checkup, anyone can get instant full-mouth teeth replacement promptly. If you new to getting full teeth replacement, you may not surely feel scared, isn’t it? No worries, you can clear yourself when you reach and read end of the line in this blog. This treatment is handled with two different processes zirconia and acrylic. Acrylic is gentler, softer material and ideal for placing less pressure on implants during the healing period. Zirconia is a durable material available in dental prosthetics mainly designed to last a lifetime.

Let’s discuss the most common questions:

  1. Is zirconia will damage the remaining teeth?

A long-term effective solution for full arch teeth replacement is zirconia in dental prosthetics. Let’s consider your doubt, if you have a habit of grinding your teeth at night. You had either the upper or lower arch replaced with zirconia mostly possible to damage natural teeth. This is the major reason forTeeth Replacement Melbourne experts not allowing patients to place prostheses on any one arch of teeth. At the same time, some patients are eligible to replace a set of dentures when they are ready to replace the rest of the set as well.

  1. Will zirconia teeth change the way food tastes?

Everyone likes to taste food with intense flavor also to eat without difficulties patients go for oral treatments. In that case, how experienced dentists allow treatment that affects your appetite? Getting expert Dental Implants Melbourne oral treatment always provide high priority to patient’s convenience in every aspect. Here, zirconia is placed without palate cover at the roof of your mouth instead of connected through the traditional way. This implant-supported offers an enhanced process of chewing and freeing up the mouth while eating.

  1. Is it possible to get zirconia teeth on the same day of surgery?

To be frank reason behind the time taken is allows new implants to integrate and heal. As it results, a significant full mouth restoration success rate increased. In this period, patient get time to test their acrylic prototypes for comfort and functionality before the final zirconia teeth are crafted. There are possible that patients get instant fake set teeth, but dentists advise a healing period as an effective approach. This renders high quality and longevity success, so you can decide which is comfy for you.

  1. Does this zirconia feel heavy?

Maybe you feel at the first time while biting down or opening or closing your mouth, but that also feels normal over time. Fully healed implants can’t cater to a high rate of hurt to patients. According to real patients’ experience, it feels more unusable when taken out for cleaning and maintenance. Actually, thanks to this question help to answer another topic. It is acrylic’s advantage weight is too lesser than zirconia and suitable for healing.

  1. Is individual teeth be made with zirconia to save money? 

This is also a good question because most patients’ doubt is the same and asked frequently, when reaching Teeth Replacement Melbourne dentists. It is a misunderstanding new set of prosthetics dentures are not made in parts and portions. Experts in the lab create with realistic look set of teeth including both teeth and gums all made up of zirconia. This design ensures final smile will be more durable and long-lasting. For more details contact us now.