by Jessica1

You decorate your home with a lot of plans and consideration. You suddenly do not reach the furniture store and buy whatever catches your eye. You do the calculation and visualize how each piece will look at its designated places. A debate has been taking place for a long time when it comes to home furniture. People often wonder whether to buy round table or square ones.

How Are Tables So Vital for Room Decoration?

A table serves more than one purpose. They are used to decorate and add more to the aesthetic of the room. You can either place them in the dining room or the kitchen to conduct all the luncheons and dinner. Or you can place a small one in your room by the window, or by the bed. If you have a home library, tables are mandatory, and even if not, you still need one for studies and work. And this is where all the arguments begun, whether to buy square tables or buy round table.

Reasons to Buy Round Table

You buy your furniture with a lot in mind. You consider its surrounding, matches the color palette and the overall decoration. No matter how much you calculate, rounds tables will always be better for your home because:

#1. Comfort with space:

You buy a table to have dinner or read a book while having your evening tea. But when your friends and extended family show up, you need to place them at the table too. For dinner, lunch, and a little chat over the evening snacks. Yes, square tables can provide you safe, but the corners will interrupt the comfort. If you buy round table of the same size, it will not only provide extra space, but there will no corner poking your guests’ chest.

#2. No head:

With definitive size tables, there is always a matter of who sits in the head chair. And honestly, no one needs that kind of authoritative position at home. After all, it is not your office.

#3. Makes your room look bigger:

If you buy round table, it will also help create an illusion in your room and make it look bigger. It is only a trick that our brains and eyes play on us. However, it does not make the room look congested. It creates a flow that’s soothing to one’s eyes.

#4. Safer:

If you have children at home, the round table does not come with protruding corners. Therefore, they are quite safe for households that have children and toddlers. Even if they cannot reach the height of the tabletop, some babies are naughty enough to climb onto the chair.

#5. Place anywhere:

If you buy round table, you can place them anywhere in the room. Because of their structure, they do not block any path, and you can access the room easily around it.

#6. Easy to decorate:

You can put the table empty in your room. A square or rectangular table of bigger size will still look empty even if you place a fruit ball and candle upon it. It is the extended corner that creates an illusion of extra space. Thus, they can put the whole decoration off-balance. However, it is not the case with the round tables.

One of the significant advantages of these tables is that like any other furniture piece, these tables are available in every design and color, be it a dark shade or light. You can easily get your hands on the design or customize one for your home.