The words virtual and digital have replaced a lot of things in the last decade. Now in the year 2020, we are at such peak to time when the world affairs demand to be digitalized, and humans are constantly making efforts to make everything digitalized for the better. Initially, digitalization ventured into the world of business and banking where large scale business transactions were carried out with the help of computers via emails, internet banking, etc.
Gradually, the government took note of digitalization and its benefits and started making changes in its public service sector in order to serve the public better and faster. The government introduced an online platform for grievances, services, public notifications, forms, etc.
By digitalizing these sectors, the government aimed at eliminating the chances of human errors and curbing the practice of corruption. In a digitalized system, everything is transparent, and there are absolutely no chances for tampering or loss. Taking into account the easiness offered by the digitalized system, the government further permitted the private sectors to digitalize their system and programs.
Subsequent to getting permission from the government, everything started getting digitalized one after another and today we are at a stage where the majority of the activities of our day to day lives demand to be digitalized, eliminate the physical or traditional methods and it can be safely assumed that the future is digital.
Present Scenario and Future Prediction
Presently digitalization has taken over important events such as large scale government examinations, entrance examinations, job qualifying examination, air, bus and rail ticket system, etc. Similarly, the restaurant and cafe industries have also been benefited in this digital era. People can now order their meals online where they can virtually see all the items of a particular restaurant along with the price.
People can choose items of their choice; they can literally track the time of travel of their delivery agent and can give their feedback through the app, which directly reaches to the owner. Similarly, the retailers too, have started venturing into the online market through this digitalized mechanism.
The online network connects the customers or potential buyers directly with the sellers without having to go through middlemen like dealers, stockists, etc. This has helped in reducing the price of a particular product and reduced the expenses incurred by the manufacturer of the product. Hence a virtual system has worked well for everyone and has yield better results than the traditional-year-old system.
Similarly, for the near future, it can be predicted that the most important aspect of a person’s life, i.e. education will take a grand shift with the help of advanced technology. A shift in the paradigm of education and learning has, however, begun and the majority of the universities and schools have experimented with online class sessions.
This first positive thing that can be ensured from online classes is the decrease in the rate of absence as students can log in to their classes from anywhere and everywhere with the help of a good network connection. Similarly, as the most majority of the professional work done in this era is via computers and the internet, which are readily available and can bet set up at homes, the need for coming to the office is not necessary.
Hence in the digital future, we are looking at provision for remote work or work from home being adopted by companies and businesses. This also has a series of benefits associated with it, the first being no absence from work, flexible timing that will increase productivity, and most importantly, no traffic rush and pollution.
Hence digital future is on its way, and we are looking at it with a positive prospect, but however, it is also important to be adequately skilled to work and survive in a digital future.
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