If you are a resident of Melbourne and you have a lot of waste that you want to get rid of, you will find that it is very difficult to do so without the help of a skip bin. This is because there are very strict rules regarding the disposal of waste in Melbourne and areas of Frankston and Dandenong.
In order to get rid of your waste in an appropriate manner, which is not necessarily illegal but also not encouraged by the city council, then the best thing you can do is hire a skip bin.
Hiring a skip bin is such a good idea, specially designed to dispose of any kind of waste. A skip bin will never overfill, and it can easily be moved around.
Many different types of bins can be hired, so there is almost certainly one that will fit all your needs. Finally, hiring a skip bin is also much cheaper than other methods for disposing of your waste materials.
Plan Ahead
Choosing the right skip bin size for your needs is an important first step. Consider how much waste you need to get rid of and what kind of waste it is. Do you only have general waste to dispose of, or are there other types of waste like concrete? Plan ahead by weighing up your options so that you can choose the right skip bin for your needs.
The volume of the skip bin will depend on what you need to throw away. The number of cubic metres in a skip bin depends on its size. There are different sizes available, so measuring the volume before your order is helpful. If you are working with limited space, choose a smaller size. For example, if you just have light waste, a small skip bin will be big enough. Once you have decided on the size of the skip bin that works best for your needs, plan how to fill it up. Start by filling it with the heaviest items first. If there are mixed materials in the load, begin with these as well.
Place items according to size as well
This is particularly important if you have a small container and a lot of stuff! For instance, if you have several boxes of books, place the larger boxes at the bottom and add other objects on top of them to fill up all available space.
Another advantage of this method is that when loading your bin, there won’t be any need for you to tip it over or go from side to side to place objects inside. You will be able to slide them in easily, one after another.
Place bulkier items towards the end.
Once you have a good idea of how much space your items will need, decide where they should go. Your plan should include heavy or flat ones at the bottom, medium-sized ones in the middle and smaller ones on top. If you have many items to fit into a skip, this is a great way to get the most out of it.
Placing items according to their weight can help you get rid of awkward things that are not easy to move around, from large appliances to tables. Be careful with fragile items that might get easily crushed by heavier ones.
Figure out the right size of skip bin for your requirements
If you want to hire a skip bin, you first need to know what size of a skip bin will be right for your need. In order to help you choose the right skip, there are many factors to consider.
These factors make up the size of your skip bin. For example, if you are building an extension on your house, you may require a large skip bin to fit all the waste materials for this project. If you are having a spring clean-up around your home, then a medium-sized skip may be suitable for you. If you are having an outdoor renovation, then a smaller sized skip may be required. You can also use the skip bins for commercial reasons as well, where bulkier wastes need to be disposed of in a short space of time.