Our dental health is often considered as one of the primary tell-tales of our overall physical health and hygiene. However, sometimes, there are certain ailments that not only hamper our dental health but may also affect other parts of our body. One such type of disorder is the temporomandibular disorder, commonly known as TMD, that occurs in one of the two temporomandibular joints. And, when a problem occurs in the area, it is critical that you get it fixed. When it comes to TMJ Treatment Melbourne has some of the best experts who can not only inform you about the condition and the cure but also help you get it done.
Before we talk more about the causes and symptoms of TMD, we must understand that a TMJ acts as a sliding hinge that connects your skull with your jaw. Though it is hard to determine the exact cause of this problem, it is extremely important to seek a specialist and get a TMJ treatment as soon as you figure out an issue with it.
What are some of the symptoms of TMD?
As the specialists of TMJ Treatment, Melbourne like to highlight, the symptoms of a temporomandibular disorder are as follows:
- Pain or tenderness in the jaw when you try to open your mouth to yawn, speak, or chew
- Difficulty chewing or any such activities that involve moving the jaw or opening the mouth widely
- Headaches, including severe migraines
- Pain around the area, including ear, neck, and back
- Sleeping disorders and fatigues
- Locked Jaw or clicking
- Hearing difficulties
- Grinding or clenching of teeth
- Swelling on the sides of the face
Apart from these, toothaches, dizziness, and tinnitus (ringing of the ear) could also be some of the indicators for a TMD.
An important thing that must be noted here that a TMJ treatment in case the patient suffers from any of the conditions mentioned above or any other related discomforts. However, if there is no discomfort due to the condition, treatment is not necessary.
What are the causes of temporomandibular disorder?
As mentioned before, there aren’t any exact causes that can explain this disorder, however, the doctors offering TMJ Treatment, Melbourne mention that it can be a result of:
- Misalignment of the disk or erosion
- Arthritis, as it could damage the joint cartilage
- Accidental blow or damage to the joint
Additionally, certain factors could aggravate the likelihood of getting TMD, including but not limited to:
- Any kind of arthritis, including rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis
- Accidental injury to the jaw
- Chronic grinding of teeth
- Particular connective tissue diseases
What are some of the important things to consider before getting a TMJ Treatment?
As the cause behind this disorder is not completely clear, it is important for specialists and doctors to perform thorough tests before trying to resolve the concern. This means that a comprehensive analysis must be performed, and all related body parts should be assessed, including the neck, head, lifestyle habits, sleeping patterns, as well as posture.
Also, it must be noted that the doctor examines your jaw thoroughly for any clicks or props or even grating sounds when the patient moves their jaw. They may ask the patient to open and close the jaw to ensure smooth functioning. Furthermore, they must check for facial muscles and the patient’s ability to bite. Full face x-rays, MRIs, and CT scans are some of the common tests ordered during a TMD test.
While different clinics may have a different approach in trying to fix the problem, a trustworthy clinic may use a mouth orthotic for a TMJ treatment. Even though this method isn’t the most conventional, as opposed to a nightguard or a mouth splint, a mouth orthotic is designed to allow the jaw muscles to relax by taking the pressure off of the TMJs, and thus, reduce pain and clicking and locking of the jaw.