Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder or ADHD is an Neurodevelopmental disorder which generally occurs primarily in children and this shows the symptoms like poor concentration, difficulties in learning and understanding and Hyperactivity.
- What Is Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder Or ADHD???????
- Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder or we can say ADHD is the condition which directly affects the Academic And Behavioral aspects of the Child.
- It generally shows problem in 3 basic areas which primarily includes: Hyperactivity, Problems in Attention and Concentration And also Problems Controlling Impulses.
(LinkSource: https://youtu.be/9VfMLO7GdbA)
- The ADHD can generally diagnosed in more than 1 in every 10 children and 1 in every 25 adults.
- Causes Of ADHD :-
- The exact cause of ADHD remains unknown.
- But there are some doctors I.e.: Psychologists, Psychiatrists who are believe that there are some Genetic, Psychological And Neurobiological elements which are involved and probably are the causes of ADHD.
- Sometimes other factors are also responsible for ADHD, which includes Social Factors, Poor Mental Health Of Mother during Pregnancy, Smoking or Alcohol consumptions during pregnancy, Pre-Mature Birth of Child, Any Traumatic Condition etc.
Types Of ADHD
- The ADHD doesn’t look the same in all children, it has different from child to child.
- The Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder Or ADHD has mainly divided into 3 subtypes :
- They are following :
- Predominantly Hyperactive- Impulsive Type
- Predominantly Impulsive Type
- Combined Type
- There are some more sub-types also present but these 3 types are mainly common.
- Here, we can get knowledge about these main 3 sub-types.
- Predominantly Hyperactive- Impulsive Type :
- This is the first subtype of ADHD.
- The children who have this type of ADHD, are mainly have symptoms of hyperactivity and they also feel the need to move constantly.
- They children with this type of ADHD have struggle with controlling their impulse.
- Generally they don’t have any trouble with inattention.
- This type of ADHD most often seen in very young children.
- It’s easier to spot signs of this type of ADHD then in other types.
- The children who have it might have struggle to sit still in class and also have trouble to manage their behavior.
- Predominantly Impulsive Type Of ADHD :-
- This is the other subtype of ADHD.
- The Children those who have this type of ADHD have difficulty in paying attention in everyday activities.
- They easily gets distracted but they don’t have much trouble with impulsivity or hyperactivity.
- The children with this type of ADHD may “fly like under the radar” because they may not behave like disruptive in class.
- In fact, they behave like a shy or “daydreamy”.
- Combined Type Of ADHD :-
- It is the most common subtype of ADHD.
- The children with combined type of ADHD are generally show significant problems with both hyperactivity/impulsivity and inattention, that’s why it called as Combined Type.
- Sign And Symptoms Of ADHD :-
- The ADHD has its particular sign and symptoms, sometimes they may varies according to child’s age, Type of ADHD and also Severity.
- There are generally 10 common signs of ADHD in children:
- The Child Has Self-Focused behavior
- The most common sign of ADHD is that what looks like an inability to recognize other children’s needs and desires.
- And this can mainly lead to the next two signs:
- Interrupting In Any General Situation
- The Self-focused behavior of the child may generally reflect in a child with ADHD to interrupt others in general daily living like while they’re talking or get involved into conversations or games they are not part of
(LinkSource:- https://youtu.be/FIVz3BnrgpQ)
- Having Trouble To Waiting For Their Turn
- Children with ADHD generally have to face trouble in waiting their turn during classroom activities or in other activities like when playing games with other children.
- Children With Emotional Turmoil
- Children with ADHD usually have difficulty in keeping their emotions in check.
- Sometimes they may have outbursts of anger at inappropriate times and places.
- The younger children commonly have temper tantrums.
- Fidgeting
- The Children with ADHD can’t sit still at one place.
- Generally they may try to get up and run around when they forced to sit.
- The Children have problems in playing quietly and with others, too.
- The fidgetiness can make the situation difficult for children with ADHD to play quietly or engage calmly in some leisure activities.
- Unfinished Tasking By Children
- The Kid with ADHD may usually show interest in lots of different things, but they may have difficulty in finishing them.
- Lack of Focus during Work or Any Activity
- The Kid with ADHD may have to face trouble in paying attention — even when someone is speaking directly to them.
- Avoidance of tasks which need extended mental effort
- This same difficulty in focus can cause a child to avoid activities that require a sustained mental effort like paying attention in class or doing homework.
- Mistakes, Day Dreaming, Forgetfulness
- The Children with ADHD may have difficulty in following instructions given to them which require planning or executing a plan.
- They also have problems like Daydreaming and Forgetfulness and because of these sometimes these children gets failed to cope up with daily routine work which others can complete easily.
So People, if you find any of above symptoms in your child then don’t get hesitate and do consult the pediatrician, psychologist or Behavior therapist and start the treatment as early as possible.
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