Temporomandibular Joint or TMJ is the jaw joint in the mandible or lower jaw bone joining temporal bone. Normally everyone would have 2 separate TMJ near to each ear on the left and right. The cartilage disc is located between temporal bone and mandible so it acts as the shock absorber to protect the bones. TMJ supports the bone from any kind of wear and tear. TMJ is aligned with the muscles, tendons as well as ligaments. TMJ or Temporomandibular Joint connects your jaw with the skull. When the TMJ is damaged or injured then it could lead to severe pain in the particular area. The localized pain disorder in the TMJ is also called the temporomandibular disorder (TMD) or Temporomandibular Joint (TMJ) syndrome. Now it is easier to get the Tmj Treatment Melbourne with complete guidance from the experts.
Causes Of TMJ Disorders
Temporomandibular Disorder or TMD causes pain in the jaw point as well as muscles controlling the movement of the jaw. The exact cause of the TMJ disorder in a person is quite difficult to determine. However, several factors could cause TMJ disorder that includes genetics, arthritis, jaw injury, and many others. People having jaw pain mainly tend to clench or even grind the teeth. Undergoing the right tmj treatment helps resolve the issue in a short time. Some of the common cause for the TMJ disorder could be
- Misalignment of the Jaw or Teeth
- Teeth Grinding
- Clenching
- Poor Posture
- Arthritis
- Stress
- Gum Chewing
Temporomandibular Joint (TMJ) is normally, the complex structures containing the tendons, muscles as well as bones. When there is an injury to the TMJ then it could create more problems in the particular area. Commonly, the Jaw pain could appear on Temporomandibular Joint based on the cause of the syndrome. The jaw pain could lead to the trauma on jawbones that also includes the
- Dislocations
- Fractures
Based on the exact cause of the TMJ disorder, the pain could occur when you are chewing or talking. There could be pain associated with coronary artery disease or even heart attack. Pain could also spread to the chest and radiate to the jaw area
- Softening and relaxation of joints during pregnancy can aggravate jaw pain during pregnancy.
- Other common causes of jaw pain are tumors, infection of the bone (osteomyelitis) and cysts.
Signs And Symptoms Of Temporomandibular Joint (TMJ) Syndrome:
Temporomandibular Joint (TMJ) syndrome could be easily determined with its signs and symptoms on the jaw are. When you have Temporomandibular Joint (TMJ) syndrome then you might have the following signs and symptoms
- Jaw clicking and popping
- Severe Jaw pain
- Ear pain or earache
- Stiffness or sore in jaw muscles
- Pain in the temple area
- Locking of jaw joint often
- Popping sounds in ears
- Headaches often
TMJ disorders also respond to home remedies that include ice packs on joints, avoiding chewing gum, gentle stretches on the jaw as well as a gentle massage on area. Having the best TMJ Treatment Melbourne helps resolve the pain in your jaws.
Holistic Dental Donvale is the leading in offering the TMJ Treatment in the country with 100% patient attained complete relief from the jaw pain.