December 26, 2020
- The GreenStick fracture can occur when the bone is bent or cracked instead of breaking completely into the separated parts.
- The fracture looks exactly the same as when a green branch of the tree can get cut, that’s why it is called the Green stick Fracture.
- It is one of the most occurring fractures in children below the age of 10 years.
- It majorly occurred in infancy or early childhood because the bones at this age are very soft and easily get damaged.
- Sign and Symptoms Of Greenstick Fracture
- Like any other fracture the green stick fracture has also its particular sign and symptoms like any other long bone fracture by which it can get diagnosed.
- They are following:
- Pain – Pain at the fractured part is one of the most common symptoms of Greenstick Fracture. In the children when injury gets occurred they are told about pain by words but in toddlers they just express their pain by excessive crying.
- Swelling – The next symptom occurs just after fracture. The part which is fractured gets swollen because of injury and in some cases due to excessive swelling the diagnosis can be done.
- Redness– It occurs with the swelling on the part which is fractured.
- Bruising
- Tenderness
- Deformity
- Difficulty in movement
- Sometimes bleeding also occur
- All these above mentioned are the symptoms of the green stick fracture.
- These symptoms are mainly shown according to the area and severity of the fracture.
(Source: https://youtu.be/dQXpEmK-SH8)
- What Is The Cause Of Greenstick Fracture????
- The fracture can generally occur in younger children.
- That’s why the main cause of the fracture is fall down.
- While playing or any other activity due to fall from outstretched hand can cause the fracture.
- The arm fracture can commonly occur due to this reason.
- Sometimes due to fall from height can also be the reason for occurring the green stick fracture.
Diagnosis Of GreenStick Fracture
- The diagnosis process is as follow:
- Observation
- Palpation
- Assessment
- Observation
- Firstly the doctor can observe the fracture part.
- If the patient is having a fracture then there is swelling and redness present on that part.
- This indicates that the child is having a fracture for sure.
- Palpation
- After observation the doctor can touch the injured part to know more about the severity of the fracture.
- Yes, palpation is an important measure.
- If the fracture is mild to moderate then the pain level is less and the injured part can be easily touched.
- But if the fracture is severe then pain is excessive and due to excessive pain the patient is not even allowed to touch the injured part.
- By this measure the palpation can be done.
- Assessment
- The assessment can be done by a doctor only.
- The doctor can take the history of the patient.
- In history the main point to get known is about how the fracture occurred.
- By knowing this the doctor can further decide the treatment part.
- Doctors can make an assessment card so that progress can be measured.
A. Radiology
- The main diagnostic test for any fracture.
- The exact area and severity of the fracture can be known by X-ray.
- Without seeing the x-ray the doctor can not judge the exact area of fracture.
- When the child is having the green stick fracture then the radiology report can show the following cresults.
- It is an incomplete long bone shaft fracture as shown in the figure.
- The doctor can identify the fracture by seeing the Cray.
- The severity can depend upon the breaks in the bone.
- If it’s more than one then the fracture can be considered as a severe fracture.
- In some cases the CT scan can also be done to reach out the exact results.
Treatment Of GreenStick Fracture
- The treatment of greenstick fracture can be done and decided by a doctor.
- Like any other fracture this fracture can also require immobilization and it can be done by applying the plaster cast on the fractured part.
- The cast can be done for 4 to 6 weeks according to the severity of fracture.
- Though this can mainly occur in children that’s why the shoulder strap can be given to protect the plaster cast.
- Immobilization gives the bone proper time for healing which is very much important for a child as if the fracture remains untreated then it can become deformity in future.
- The casting can be done and also removed under doctor’s observation only.
- After the casting can be removed the physiotherapy can be started.
- This is very important because due to casting for prolonged periods the muscles become stiff and it can also affect on movement.
- With the help of physiotherapy the muscular strength can be regained.
- It’s very important to regain the muscles strength at proper time otherwise it can be the reason for any deformity in future.
- Fracture can be healed, If it can be treated well so don’t ignore it just do proper care.
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