Many athletes train 7 days a week; they feel they can’t stop or they’ll lose their edge. And they’re right: if you stop, you will lose your edge. But the converse isn’t true: if you keep training 7 days a week, you won’t necessarily get any better.
What’s more, most of the benefits of exercise come from being moderately active throughout the day. A runner who runs only on the days he runs, for instance, is much healthier than a non-runner who runs seven days a week. If you want to be fit and stay fit, working out hard some days and resting other days is better than working out hard every day.
That’s not to say there’s no point in training hard. If you’re at a high fitness level and want to stay there, you need to keep pushing yourself. And if you’re starting and have a lot of catching up to do, then it makes sense to work hard every day until you’ve caught up.
But it’s important to understand those diminishing returns is an issue. The first few times you train hard in a week will make you noticeably fitter. Still, the same effect will be smaller and smaller with each additional workout until, eventually, it becomes negligible.
Oakleigh gym experts recommend a workout regime that fits most people.
3-Day Workout Routine
The 3-day workout routine is a workout plan that will help you gain muscle and lose fat, double your strength, and endurance in just 14 days.
The 3-Day Workout Routine is the simplest and fastest way to start working out and exercising. All you have to do is follow this plan for three days, rest on the fourth day and repeat it over.
This routine doesn’t take up much time (especially compared to the results you will get), but it isn’t easy. You must push yourself to the limit each time you exercise to see results. The trick is not to give up even when it gets tricky.
4-Day Workout Routine
There are 3 major muscle groups in the upper body. You should choose one area of your body to work on each day and focus on it. You should probably stick with a 4-day body part split routine if you’re starting.
This means you have 4 days to work on your upper body. Workout A will be for chest, shoulders and triceps; Workout B is back, biceps and forearms; Workout C is legs, calves and abs; and Workout D is shoulders, traps and triceps.
Toning workouts don’t need to incorporate heavy weights or take long periods. Atoning an activity can be 20 minutes if you concentrate on doing it. Longer workouts might add muscle mass, but they won’t burn fat.
5-Day Workout Routine
A great five-day workout routine can help you build muscle, increase endurance, reduce body fat and improve overall health. The best part about a five-day workout plan is that it allows for plenty of rest and recovery throughout the week, which means you should see improved performance after just a few weeks.
Trying to fit in workouts on all seven days of the week may sound like a good idea at first, but it’s one of the worst things you can do to your body. A five-day workout routine is the perfect balance of work and rest.
You’ll notice that each day has only one workout session. This is known as an upper/lower split, and it’s very effective for building muscle mass. Overall, this type of split will help you burn more calories because each muscle group works independently and burns a significant amount of energy.
A five-day workout routine is great if you have limited time or start with your fitness goals. It doesn’t require many changes to your current lifestyle and will help keep you motivated to achieve your goals.