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That’s not an easy question. Many factors mean that one gutter cleaning job may be more expensive than another due to various aspects. For example, the size of the gutters, the amount of debris, and the property’s location can all affect the price.

But, for a rough guide, you can expect to pay anything from $70 to $600. The best way to find out is to call a professional gutter cleaning service in your area and ask for a free quote. If you find the right company, you will probably be pleasantly surprised!

In this article, we’ll look at how much it can cost and how you can find the best gutter cleaner in your area. So, to begin, let’s examine what factors affect the price.

Gutter Cleaning Cost: Height

It costs more to clean the gutters on a high roof because the workers have to use safety equipment, which is more expensive than standard cleaning equipment. Another factor is insurance; higher roofs present a greater liability, so businesses charge more to cover themselves and the insurance cost. Another reason is the specialised training and skills required to work at heights. Depending on your house, this might bump up the price. But stop and think about it for a moment. Do you really want someone working on your roof who isn’t insured or has the proper training?

Gutter Cleaning Cost: Time Is Money.

I’m sure you’ll agree that the more time something takes, the more someone will charge. Well, of course, the same is true regarding cleaning your gutters! If you have a little 2-bedroom house, it will take much less time to clean than a 10-bedroom mansion. The same goes if it’s been a long time since you had your gutters cleaned. If there is a lot of ingrained dirt, it will take longer to clean. So it’s better to have your gutters cleaned regularly. Not only will it take less time to clean your gutters, but it will also ensure your gutters aren’t leaking somewhere they shouldn’t!

Gutter Cleaning Cost: Access

This one might not be so apparent, but it can be a significant factor. For example, imagine that your home has a garden with a steep drop just behind your house; this would make roof access considerably more complex and dangerous. If this is your case, you might want to talk to your gutter cleaners and ask them about roof anchor points and if they’d help with accessing your roof.

Gutter Cleaning Cost: Overheads

Every company has overheads, and gutter cleaners aren’t any different. For example, gutter cleaners need OH&S certification, public liability insurance and workers’ compensation. They must also train their employees and maintain safety equipment and work vehicles.

So does that mean that one-person gutter cleaners are cheaper? No, surprisingly enough, it doesn’t! If the company works correctly, they won’t have to redo the same job twice, and ensuring it is done the first time correctly will save money. Also, if the equipment is maintained correctly, it lasts longer. So it doesn’t matter how big the company is; what matters is how organised the company is.

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