You should take it as a good sign if your muscles are screaming today after yesterday’s workout. You may probably have delayed onset muscle soreness, or DOMS, which indicates that you pushed hard enough to cause micro-tears in your muscle fibers.
This can develop when you increase the intensity, frequency, or duration or try a different exercise. DOMS typically starts 12 to 24 hours after a strenuous session and lasts for 24 to 72 hours. Your muscles will grow bigger and stronger during the healing process, allowing you to go to the next fitness level.
It can take several days for the soreness and pain associated with DOMS to dissipate, but in the meantime, these tricks can ease the pain.
Hydrate Before, During, And After Your Workout
Maintaining proper hydration is one of the keys to muscle recovery. In addition to keeping the fluids moving through your body, water also facilitates the removal of waste by-products and the delivery of nutrients to your muscles.
It’s difficult to tell if and when you’re dehydrated because, according to Schroeder, dehydration usually occurs before thirst. Your urine color can give you a clue. Remember that dehydration is indicated by medium to dark yellow, whereas hydration is shown by pale yellow.
CBD Can Reduce Post-Workout Inflammation
In a 2018 assessment of 132 original studies published in Frontiers in Neurology, researchers concluded that CBD could reduce inflammation and improve pain and mobility in humans. It works as an anti-inflammatory, antiemetic, antioxidant, antipsychotic, and neuroprotective agent. When applied as an ointment to muscles or taken as a pill, it decreases inflammation.
Studies have found that CBD may modulate the pain associated with chronic inflammation by interacting with neurological receptors in the spinal cord. Additionally, CBD may strengthen the pain-relieving properties of AEA, another endogenous cannabinoid.
You can find the best CBD products to help with inflammation and muscle pain from CBD Genesis.
After A Hard Workout, Eat Within Half an Hour
It can speed up the healing process by providing your muscles with the nutrients they require to mend and develop stronger.
Getting 20 to 40 grams of protein and 20 to 40 grams of carbs into your system after an intense or long workout (that lasts at least 60 minutes) is an effective way to kick-start your recovery. You might try a helping of Greek yogurt with plenty of berries and a spoonful of honey as a snack.
Carbohydrates are essential for replenishing your muscles’ energy stores, while protein provides the amino acids your muscles need to rebuild. According to a 2017 paper in the Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition on nutrient timing.
Foam Rollers or Massage Guns Are Excellent After a Workout
Self-myofascial release, or SMR, is a method for releasing muscle and connective tissue tightness. SMR instruments like foam rollers, lacrosse balls, and massage sticks help shift the fluids that build in the muscle after a workout.
Foam rolling was found to increase range of motion and reduce DOMS in a study published in the Journal of Sports Physical Therapy in November 2015. By increasing circulation, foam rolling and other types of massage help reduce swelling and tenderness by transporting more nutrients and oxygen to the affected area.
If you want to use a foam roller, start with a softer one. Foam rollers with a thicker core allow you to apply more pressure. However, they can be more intense if you are not used to them. Lacrosse balls are beneficial to have on hand because they’re great for smoothing out hard-to-reach areas like the glutes, lats, calves, and IT bands.
Another common technique for aiding post-workout muscle recovery is massage guns, or “percussive massage treatment.” Self-massage gadgets that use percussion operate in the same way as massage generally. When put on your muscles, these handheld gadgets produce quick vibrations that can effectively improve blood circulation to that area. Most massaging guns come with various accessories in various shapes and sizes to target muscle groups.
There have been several studies that specifically evaluate the effectiveness of massage guns. Combining conventional massage and vibration therapy makes massage guns more effective. Studies have revealed that both methods can prevent DOMS equally well.
Do Light Exercise the Day after a Strenuous Workout
Painful muscles have to recover, but that doesn’t mean you should waste a day on the couch with your feet up. Soothing yoga, a gentle stroll, swimming, cycling, or even mild weight training are good get some soft activity.
Avoid performing additional intense workouts with the same muscle groups on successive days. Aim for a degree of exertion of 3 on a scale of 0 to 10 (with ten being the most intense). Sore muscles need blood flowing to them to deliver oxygen and nutrients for repair – without injuring them further.
Finally, it’s advisable to adhere to science-based tactics as your mainstay. If you wish to use other approaches to augment, go ahead. What’s the damage if it relieves your post-workout aches and pains (and, of course, does not pose any health risks)? Those joyful muscles might be all in your brain.