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Obviously some of you may think that you require more square fits for more yield. But it is not completely true. You can now yield half a ton of tasty and beautiful vegetables from 15 to 20 foot plot. You need to follow some strategies to make this easier.

Here are some tips from the learned gardeners which can make you use most of your garden space:

  1. Plants grown in raised bed having rich soil

Of course building up soil is the first and foremost element for getting higher yields. A deep, organically rich soil can boost up the yield at its best! Nutrition rich soil can make the plant root extra healthy and making them stronger for the extra productive growth. You can make a raised bed for the fastest growth. Raised beds contain loose fertile soil and give plant roots an extra space as well. By using less space on grounds, you have more space to grow plants. Plants grow close enough in raised bed giving no space for weed and saving our time for weeding. Close spacing of plant also makes watering and harvesting easier for us!

  1. Crop the plants in triangles instead of rows

How you are arranging your plants also makes a great difference in yield. It is advisable to avoid planting in square pattern or in rows. Instead, plant them in triangle pattern. Just be little careful not to plant them too tightly. Keep it in your mind that weight yield per square foot is more important than the number of plants per square foot.

  1. Grow climbing plants to exploit the space

No matter how small your garden is, you can grow more by planting vertically. You can grow crops which are space-hungry like pole beans, tomatoes, peas, melons, straight up and supported by fences or cages. Growing vegetables in a vertical pattern can save our time, too. You can easily see exactly where the fruits are. Fungal diseases are also less likely to affect the vertically grown plants.

  1. Make compatible pairings

Inter-planting of compatible crops can also make you use most of the space. Corn, beans and squash are known as classic sister combination as they are too compatible to each other. Sturdy cornstalks can support the pole beans and squash go freely on the ground avoiding competing weeds. You can get aware about many combinations and grow them wisely together.

There are the other tips, too. Like, you can round up the soil and you can stretch your season by covering your plantation beds. You can grow more and more by following these tips. Have a higher yield and happy growing!