This topic is different yet very interesting. Everyone wants be perfect nowadays, but nobody is ready to accept their imperfectness.
We know many people in fact we can include ourselves, too. We are very much conscious about our body image, self – acceptance and yes about to search for our true identity.
But did we ever try to find these answers?
If we look inside ourselves, we will surely find these answers and our true self which lies within us.
Now, here are some different and very interesting tips by which you will get to know about yourself and how to be imperfectly perfect, I mean to be yourself.
They are:
- Get To Know Yourself
- Learn From Your Pain And Grow
- Be Grateful And Practice Kindness
- Be The Boss Of Your Own Life And Embrace Your Uniqueness
- Look Within Yourself And Accept The Good And Bad
- Forgive Yourself And Forgive Others
- Make yourself priority and celebrate yourself
(LinkSource: YouTube https://youtu.be/elnuf0fP9Qk)
- Get To Know Yourself
- There is one very common question that comes in everyone’s mind may be not in present but as a past thought and that is “Who am I?” or else “Why am I like this?”
Is it Right? We all have passed through this question once in our lifetime. But we have never tried to find its answer or else we are finding it outside, but the fact is that all the answers are within ourselves. We need to keep in mind that:
- Nobody is like us and nobody even be us. Thus, if you want to find something about you, find it within you. You will find all your answers.
- Your weirdness is your uniqueness only. So, first know about yourself deeply, and yes, you will find something new and magical every time.
- Just the thing is that you have to spend “Me Time” to know what is the most important to you and what you really doesn’t care about.
- Look within, know yourself, Upgrade yourself and Be wonderfully, uniquely special person that you are.
- Learn From Your Pain And Grow
- We all know about one sentence: “Growing is a lifetime job, and we grow most when we are down in the valleys, where the fertilizer is.”
- Let’s confess one thing that nobody likes pain because it hurts.
- If we know that certain people, things or situations are responsible to give us pain we consistently avoid it.
- There are some points in life where you don’t learn in first time and you have to experience the pain a couple of times before you get it. So people, don’t get stuck with your pain, learn from it, grow from it and move on.
- Be Grateful And Practice Kindness
- All human beings are always dissatisfied for what they have.
- There are many people in the world who are struggling for their very basic needs. So, Always be grateful for what you have in your life, and yes always be kind with others, too. These qualities makes you internally beautiful and yes your kindness and gratefulness make others happy, too.
- Be The Boss Of Your Own Life And Embrace Your Uniqueness
- “Glitter And Glory That’s My Story.” If you want to make this sentence as your tag line then be the boss of your own life. Yes, every one is unique in their own way.
- To create your uniqueness you have to go beyond your comfort zone, it gives you confidence, and makes you different from others.
- So folks just remember one thing that : “All Of Us Are Stars And Deserve The Right To Twinkle.”
- Look Within Yourself And Accept The Good And Bad
- Generally, as per our human tendency, we always find defects in others and always criticize others mistakes.
- But, do we think once that we are also other one for some people?
- Before we criticize others first, we have to look at ourselves and we should ask that “Am I the person with no minus points?” And if no, then we don’t have right to pointing on other people.
- So guys, first look within yourself and accept our good and bad points. And if we get success in that then we don’t need to worry about what others think or say about us and also we are not going to criticize others for their mistakes.
- Forgive Yourself And Forgive Others
- “Forgiveness is your greatest Strength.” Yes, if you can forgive then you are the strongest one and this is your best quality.
- Not every one have this, but one should develop this, not because for others but because for yourself.
- Like you learn from your mistakes, same way others can also learn from their mistakes. So, just relax, take a deep breath, and forgive.
- By this, you can clean garbage of your mind and feel completely calm and relax. So, forgive yourself and others too and you will feel so light and happy.
- Be mentally fit and read more on How Yoga can make you mentally fit.
- Make Yourself Priority And Celebrate Yourself
- Take time to prioritize yourself and celebrate your uniqueness is an essential part of loving yourself.
- When you begin to love the fact that you are different from everyone else in some ways, or you start to consciously say nicer things to yourself, then this is something to celebrate.
- Give sweet compliments to yourself and yes sometimes give some nice gifts of appreciation too.
- So people, make a promise from your heart, take and return, end and start. Do not waste your time just go and spend the best time with your nearest partner and that is yourself.
All in all, just keep one thing in mind that you are doing things for yourself first, you are unique, you are special, you are yourself and yes; “ Nobody’s Perfect.”