by Oliver Australia

The use of plastic bottles has been there since the 1960s and ever since the world has been a lot of improvements over the business and the lifestyle front. The use of plastic has eased our lives in more ways than we give it credit for. Plastic bottle suppliers provide you with various kinds of plastics for everyday use. We will talk about it more further in the article.

In the early 19th century, plastic was used as a replacement for rubber, ivory ad shellac. Plastic bottles were first used in the commercial field in the year 1947. However, the cost was expensive until the early 1950s; this is when high-density polyethylene came into existence. This was extremely light compared to the material before, and thus it became prevailing.

Types of Plastic and Its Use

There are different types of plastic developed over time for better use and convenience of different areas of work. Few types of plastic and their uses, along with Plastic bottle Wholesale, is listed below:

  • Polyethylene Terephthalate (PET)

This is the most common kind of plastic. You are more likely to come in contact with this kind of plastic on an everyday basis. This is because the molecular construction makes it compact. It is also rigid and flexible, thus making it chemical and water-resistant and acts as a terrific gas barrier.


Some of the most common uses of PET are soft drink bottles, water bottles, plastic bottle wholesale, frozen meat trays, and first aid blankets.

  • Hugh Density Polyethylene (HDPE)

This type of plastic is extremely temperature resistant. It is tolerant of different types of chemicals. However, one of the most important reasons why HDPE is so famously used is because it can be recycled into many forms of plastic.


Some of the more common uses of HDPE are soap containers, food and drink storage, protective helmets, freezer bags, pipes, insulation caps, and wood-plastic composites.

  • Low-Density Polyethylene (LDPE)

This material of plastic is resistant to extremely high temperatures and is non-reactive, unlike other plastic materials. It can withstand temperatures close to 100 degrees. However, it is not as strong as HDPE, but it is certainly more resilient.


Bin-bags, trays, laundry bags, playground furniture like slides and seesaws, etc. ‘6-ring’ drink holders, drink cartons, etc.

  • Polyvinyl Chloride

This is the most cost-effective when it comes to manufacturing it. It grows into the most resilient to chemical and biological damage. One can easily mould it into shapes, and thus it has a more practical use. This material is more versatile, and it can be moulded into lightweight sheets like foam etc.


Furniture, clothes, medical containers, sewage pipes, water bottles, vinyl records, cables, cleaning solution containers, etc.

  • Polypropylene (PP)

This is a material of plastic that is extremely flexible and has a rather high tolerance to heat and temperatures. It can be melted and moulded into various types of materials. The main  reason why this material is more efficient is that it safe for foods.


Lunchboxes, Clothing, surgery tools, and other medical supplies, kettles, packing tape, bottle caps, straws, etc.

Plastics have been in the face of the earth relatively new. Ever since, it has made an impact on the lives of the daily household. Plastic bottle wholesale is popular as a business because It is better than metal in a lot of ways, especially with weight. Lightweight plastic has helped reduce the cost of manufacture in huge industries by a large margin.

Quality Blow Moulders has been in the business since 1995. With the best service and great quality of plastic, they have grown to be the best in the business. Contact us now and get more information.