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Sometimes, when vehicles get in a minor accident or bump into something hard, the paint and metal can get damaged. Most of the time, this damage is small and not very noticeable. But if the dent is large or in an obvious place, it can be quite an eyesore.

Read on below to know how to do paintless dent removals Sydney:

5 Ways on How to Do Paintless Dent Removal

One way to fix these dents is by using a process called paintless dent removal (PDR). This method doesn’t require any sanding, painting, or body filler, so it’s a much quicker and cheaper repair than traditional methods. Removing a paintless dent can be done if different ways, such as:

1. Pushing and Pulling the Dent

There are a few different ways to do PDR, but all of them involve gently pushing and/or pulling on the dent from the inside until it pops back into place. In most cases, you’ll need special tools to reach the dent and apply the right amount of pressure.

2. Suction Cups

One popular method is to use suction cups. These cups are placed on the outside of the dent and connected to a rod. Then, you pull on the rod until the dent pops out.

3. Plunger

Another common tool is a plunger. This is similar to the suction cup method, but instead of cups, you place the plunger over the dent and pull up on the handle.

4. Wire Hangers

If you don’t have any special tools handy, you can try using wire hangers. First, straighten out the hanger and make a small hook at one end. Then, place the hook inside the dent and pull up gently until the dent pops out.

5. Hair Dryer or Heat Gun

Heating up the area around the dent can sometimes help to remove it. This works best if the dent is in a plastic bumper. First, use a hairdryer or heat gun to heat up the area for a few minutes. Then, try one of the other methods above. If the dent is still there, repeat the process.

Do-It-Yourself Kits

There are also a few do-it-yourself kits available that can be used to remove paintless dents. These typically come with instructional DVDs and all of the tools you need to get the job done right.

While paintless dent removal can be a great way to fix minor dents and dings, it’s not always possible to remove all types of damage this way. If the dent is too large or in a difficult-to-reach spot, you may need to have it repaired by a professional. But if the dent is small and in a place that’s easy to access, you can save time and money by fixing it yourself with paintless dent removal.

Hiring a Professional Dent Removal Service

If the dent is in a difficult spot or is large, it’s best to hire a professional best paintless dent removal Sydney for your car repair work. They have the experience and tools to remove all types of dents, even those that are hard to reach. Prices will vary depending on the size and location of the dent, but you can expect to pay between $50 and $200 for most repairs. There are also affordable dent removal services in Sydney you can check out.