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3D printing technology is no longer a gimmick as it offers several robust applications to boost productivity and scalability. From automotive to manufacturing and consumer product design, this advancement pushes the conventional creativity boundary. Apart from providing higher personalization in the assembly line, it transforms how companies design products.


Companies are leveraging 3D printing for design to hone their product’s usability, durability, and sustainability. It’s creating a win-win situation for both manufacturers and customers. Regardless of the company’s size and industry, 3d printing can help you gain an edge. On this note, let’s explore how additive manufacturing is revolutionizing the design industry.


Photo Credit: ZMorph All-in-One 3D Printers on Unsplash


1. Faster Design Approval

Additive manufacturing accelerates the overall product design cycle by allowing designers to create multiple variations quickly. Unlike traditional processes, designers can make 3d models, test their functionality, and detect design flaws early. It helps companies to speed up their design approval and finalize a high-performance design.


The best part is that engineers can quickly test the design prototype against several factors and improve the structural geometry for higher durability. As the amount of time required for effective product design creation is reduced, companies can deliver their products to customers much faster.


2. Own Products Manufacturing

Earlier, companies needed to hire a design agency, prepare prototypes, and send feedback and corrections. After that, the design goes for production and post-production. It is a long cycle that consumes more time and resources that halts a company’s scalability.


However, companies can leverage 3D printing technology to set up an in-house manufacturing lineup and eliminate significant dependencies. Engineers can draft a CAD design and quickly 3d print it in-house to speed up the mass manufacturing. With 3d printing technology, designers can push existing limits and prepare a more complex geometry that can offer better efficiency.


3. Better Design Communication

Additive manufacturing is making the design industry more seamless and collaborative. Using advanced software like 3d CAD, designers from across the globe can collaborate on design projects. Companies can complete product design much faster when the design communication is hassle-free. On the other hand, it’s impossible to work remotely, especially on bigger design products. It is because the majority of the designs are in 2d format that offers no interaction.


Designers can share 3D printed objects models with clients and get feedback in real-time. This ease of design communication saves both time and money for companies.


4. Design Rules Revolution

Leveraging 3d printing services, companies are pushing their existing design rules and delivering extraordinary efficiency. As manufacturers pick from a wide range of materials and 3d printing technologies, it becomes easier to try a new design approach to build a product.


3D printing manufacturing offers several opportunities to companies to reinvent their design rules and hands-on more innovative solutions. Whether an organization needs to redesign an existing product or create a new design from scratch, 3d printing eases operations. In addition, as business owners don’t need to invest enormous resources while trying new designs, small companies can innovate better. With growing popularity, now many companies are offering affordable 3d printing in Melbourne and other cities.


5. Higher Efficiency

Efficiency is a significant success metric that makes a company stand apart from the rest. When companies can quickly create design and turn it into a tangible product in a faster turnaround, revolution happens. In traditional product designing, designers need to draw the design from scratch on paper. In case of any improvisation, designers need to redraw the entire structure again. This practice makes the process slow and expensive.


However, using 3D CAD software, redesigning or improvising an existing design is a matter of minutes. Therefore, when companies are empowered with higher efficiency and speed, it becomes easier to outperform competitors.


Wrapping Up!

3D printing technology is here to stay with us for years to come, and it will revolutionize the entire product design paradigm. With growing accessibility, more small-scale companies will adopt this advancement and innovate better. Several companies offer affordable 3d printing in Perth WA and other cities to help product companies gain an edge in the market. This $12.6 billion industry will bring a massive revolution across multiple industries.