Safety protects you from danger and keeps you safe. Safety takes care of you and keeps you not to fall into danger. Keeping yourself Safe in the workplace is somewhat different. Safety culture assessment in Workplace refers to the environment that you are working in an organization; it encompasses all the safety cultural assessment includes the health, safety, and well-being of employees in an organization. Occupational safety and health administration provides three goals for safety and good health is as follows:
- Improving the safety and health for all workers in an organization and to reduce the injuries and illness caused unexpectedly.
- Changing workplace culture to increase the working awareness, commitment, and self-involvement of safety and health.
- Secure both self and public confidence through excellence in the development of occupational safety and health administration programs and services.
Principles of safety in an organization
There are some steps to be taken for minimizing and preventing the chances of workplace violence. The most important step in Safety culture assessment is to provide a good leader for each company and communicate a zero-tolerance policy for violent behavior in the workplace. Here a list of safety principles to be followed in the workplace is given as follows:
- Establish and observe a good safety written corporate safety policy.
- Creating awareness in the organization.
- Identify the causes of hazards against injury.
- Design a review assessing the risk includes injury and illness.
- Take a first attempt to eliminate or reduce the injury against hazards.
- Motivate them to avoid hazards.
- Advice to use only safe products.
- Maintain all the safety records in time.
- Continuously monitor the safety records.
- Recall procedures to eliminate or reduce injury.
Overview of CVA
CVA is defined as the process of tinkering that helps an organization to differentiate between the ideal and real culture. Cultural values assessment also includes analyzing the experience, philosophy, expectations in the organizations. Within a workplace environment, culture is mainly based on beliefs and attitudes that are written and unwritten in a place over some time.
Cultural assessment values also include the vision for itself in the organization and employees who are working in it. All organizations need to evaluate the employees whether they are doing it right or wrong.
Key benefits of cultural values assessment
- It provides you with a good understanding of the motivation of employees in the organization, their experience within the organization and the direction of the organization.
- Cultural values assessment results can generate deep and meaningful conversations about the purpose and strategies of the organization.
- It also provides a road map for attaining high performance, sustainability and resilience.
CVA Framework
CVA framework is mainly used to maintain a safety culture assessment in an organization:
- Collaborate – Do things together
- Create – Do things first
- Control – Do things right
- Compete – Do things fast
Key attributes of Cultural values assessment
Short survey
It asks only three questions that are to be answered in online within 15-20 minutes.
A safety culture assessment is determined by the depth of survey data in demographics. There is no limit available to choose the group of categories.
Costs are mainly based on the type of reports but not on the number of participants. Fees will be reduced for developing countries only.