If you’re planning on renovating your kitchen anytime soon, these tips may help you create a cosy, comfortable, and aesthetically pleasing, yet practical kitchen that everyone in your family will love to use.
Plan ahead
When renovating any room in your house, planning ahead can help you organise your renovations and come up with a coherent design and theme. Think about what you want to change in your kitchen. How will these changes affect other parts of the space? Do you want to go for a big renovation or do you to introduce some smaller changes only? If you’re thinking about repainting the walls, getting new tiles, or changing your cabinets, what kind of colour scheme are you thinking about? Think about all of this, then write down your ideas and make a plan around them. This will help walk you through the process of renovation.
Build an accessible kitchen
While the aesthetics of your kitchen is important and you want to cook in a place that is inspiring and nice-looking, you also want to make sure your kitchen is practical. When renovating your kitchen, you need to design it in a way that will make it easily accessible for you and everyone else who lives in the house. For instance, if you’re fairly short, putting up tall cabinets will turn this kitchen into hell for you. Imagine having to climb up every time you want to take a plate or a glass. So, think about what changes you can introduce to make this kitchen functional and practical for use.
Design wide walkways
Speaking of the practicality of the kitchen, you also need to leave some space for wide walkways. The last thing you want is to have your kitchen absolutely crowded in the morning when everyone is bumping into each other while trying to get a quick breakfast before school or work. So, in order to make this space functional for everyone, make sure to leave enough room and build wide walkways.
Plan your counter space
You should also consider the countertop space you will be using when preparing and cooking food. If you’re someone who spends a lot of time in the kitchen and you love to cook, then you should design a kitchen that has a lot of counter space. Also, make the kitchen extra practical by storing your utensils, spices, and other important tools in places where you can reach them easily and quickly as you cook your food. On the other hand, if you don’t like to cook, you can save the countertop space for something else. For instance, you can place a coffee machine there and display your fancy mugs on the counter space. You can decorate the space however you like, or leave it for something else.
Incorporate kitchen technology
Having smart home devices in your kitchen will make cooking for you an easier task. Starting from obvious and necessary technology such as the fridge and a stove, to something more fancy and optional like a monitor with an ingredients list and cooking recipes. One thing about technology is that it needs to be regularly maintained. The fridge may be the most important piece of technology that you should take care of. If it breaks down or experiences any kind of issues that can’t be fixed immediately, you can say goodbye to all of your food which is likely to go bad within a day. So, when renovating a kitchen make sure to have Samsung fridge spare parts or any other brand of the fridge that you own so that you can maintain your fridge and repair it quickly if it comes to that.
Play with colour
Don’t be afraid to experiment with different colours in your kitchen. Even if you want to achieve a minimalistic look, you can still mix and match different shades of neutral and pastel colours to make your kitchen glow. Or you can also go for the plain white walls and then introduce some beige shades and black in your cabinets and other kitchen elements. You can also add a huge house plant that will add a spark of colour to your otherwise minimalistic kitchen. On the other hand, if you want a funky kitchen design, be as creative as you can and mix different vibrant colours to make your kitchen look lively.
Find the right lighting
Lastly, the lighting can really transform any room. If you know how to place your sources of light you can play with the atmosphere in the room. For example, if you want to create a cosy atmosphere, use smaller lights and place them all around the kitchen. Then, install a light dimmer to control the intensity of lighting in your kitchen. That way, you will make the room feel extra warm and cosy.
To sum up, you should work on making your kitchen both aesthetically pleasing and practical for you and your family. Hopefully, these tips helped inspire you a bit.