If you start considering IVF success, then there is no end to it all over the world. Consulting the fertility expert at the best IVF centre in Punjab will increase your chances of conception manifold, despite the infertility issue. One such story of a couple despite blocked fallopian tubes has been able to conceive successfully with IVF treatment. On average, the IVF Cost is between 1.25 lakh to 2 lakh which is extremely less as compared to developed nations like the US, Canada, and Australia.
Trying to conceive for the last 3 years
Nia Sharma, Age 31, was married for 6 years and wanted to start a family. But, when they started trying to conceive they realized that they had fertility issues like other couples. Through diagnosis, she found out that there is an issue of tubal blockage and her husband has a low sperm count. She tried visiting various fertility clinics but nothing had worked for her.
Consultation with the best fertility clinic
After trying for such a long time, she decided to consult the best fertility expert in Ludhiana. By thoroughly understanding her situation, the fertility expert suggested she get the IVF/ICSI cycle. This treatment is about injecting healthy sperm into the egg with the use of a fine needle. The IVF/ICSI assisted reproductive technique increases the chances of conception.
Undergoing the test
To understand the condition in a better manner, the fertility expert suggested getting an additional test and accordingly determine the treatment plan for the same. One of the important tests which the doctor suggested was the Endometrial Receptivity Array (Test which helps to know the most favorable day to perform embryo transfer). During diagnosis the doctor told the causes which might be leading to scar tissue in the fallopian tube:
- Endometriosis
- Past ectopic pregnancy
- Certain sexually transmitted disease
- Fibroids
- Pelvic abdominal surgery
Let’s talk you through the conversation which happened between the fertility doctor and the patient.
Patient’s concern: What is the need for getting HSG?
Fertility expert assistance: Undergoing the test will help to determine the blockage in the fallopian tube. The test is carried out on the 12th or 13th day of the menstrual cycle.
Patient’s concern: Why should I get an ERA test?
Fertility expert assistance: The ERA test is for patients with implantation failure on a recurrent basis even when the high-quality embryos are used.
Do you know?
Giving the embryo transfer treatment in a personalized way increases the conception chances of patients with ART. Undergoing the ERA improves the pregnancy rate by 73% even when the patients have faced the issue of implantation failure.
Success with ERA and smooth road to conception
For the couple, the ERA test has been a blessing. In the past, the embryo transfer was done one day late due to which the implantation was not performed successfully. Through the assistance of the best fertility expert, the embryo transfer was scheduled by planning it with a personalized approach. Through an ERA test, the couple was able to conceive successfully and now she is in her last trimester.
Final thoughts
This is a clear fact that through effective planning and timely assistance with the fertility expert everything can be managed. Just keep your calm and trust the fertility expert in your journey of conception.