Primarily, you should watch your diet. While the world’s busy quarantining and getting healthy from the deadly coronavirus, others have resorted to work from home. At first, the choice sure seems convenient, but it can become super easy to let your typically “scheduled” lifestyle take over.
One of the biggest challenges, excessive weight gain and sedentary lifestyle, is how to stay healthy and fit to function from home. Yeah, all that food looks appealing (so lounging on the bed and working) but we know the harm to the waistline that an unhealthy lifestyle does. Indeed, a recent study notes that anxiety, stress and emotional eating due to coronavirus will rise and put us at risk of developing bad lifestyle issues.
(Source: YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XosIQfEhQUo )
Before working from home become too heavy for you, here are some tips on how to stay healthy and keep your weight in check without losing your mind:
- Stay busy
Goes without saying but getting busy or distracted is the only real way to prevent untimely cravings. An occupied mind means less time to mumble on nosh. It can be a challenge to adapt to new work from home profile and you can find yourself bored and eventually find snacks to pass the time. That’s one habit that you need to stop. Make it a habit of keeping your work room away from the kitchen, cupboard or fridge wherever you’re working. Mind, out of sight and out of heart.
- Advance meal preparation
Prepare meal Taking care of what you consume, because it can be a challenge when you feed while working from home. One way to stop dilemmas on’ what to eat’ and munching on food is to prepare meals in advance. Allow a little time for cooking while you go about prioritizing the things that you do. When you concentrate on healthy food, you are less likely to feel the temptation to binge on foods laden with calories. Cooking your own meals will also give you a bit of a break from your routine and help you remain conscious of what you really eat. You can also use your ‘at home’ time to learn new recipes for yourself, and prepare nutritious meals.
- Be physically fit
To others, working from home means working from the comfort of bed, or lounging on the sofa, as opposed to the office chair. When you spend more hours lounging than walking around, this puts you squarely at the risk of weight disorders. Wake up and be more physically involved in the course of the day. This will also come in handy when going out is a bigger risk during the quarantine time too. Every hour or so, take a break, walk around and stretch your muscles to let go of the sedentary habit and lethargy. There are plenty of ways to ensure that working from home doesn’t take a toll on your fitness goals, from yoga to at-home workouts.
- Keep hydrating yourself
Stay hydrated Keeping the rates of hydration in check is one way to ensure that weight issues are kept away and that you don’t binge on food without mind. Have a bottle of water handy while you are working and take a drink of water each time you have the urge to nibble or snack on something. You can also use this opportunity to drink more nutritious, hydrating beverages such as green tea or salads rather than fizzy drinks or caffeine, which will also give you the strength to function, too.
- Do not skip your food
Do not miss food Just as it is important to avoid snack, calorie-laden food, you should not FORGET eat food is equally important. Chances are, you’re working in a more convenient time frame and then have your breakfast or lunch. Equally unhealthy is the habit. It is critical that you take meals timely, away from the phone and don’t skip nutrients for proper weight control.
- Trying to avoid unhealthy and continuous snacking
A con of quarantining at home means that you have more free time at home. You get to lay your hands on snacks and cravings of all kinds get in the way. This results in binging of unhealthy treats that aren’t really needed. Control what you eat at any cost, and stop snacking. Eat fruits and nuts instead, to satiate the pangs of hunger.
- Do not eat on bed
Make it a habit to always eat on the dining table. Eating while sitting on the bed is probably one of everybody’s bad habits. Eating on bed makes it a possible backdrop for increasing numbers of bacteria and germs. Keeping the bed clean is another challenge, as one or two crumbs still fall. Eating on bed is also correlated with perturbing sleep habits. Sleeplessness contributes to fat accumulation around your body and eventually makes you overweight and unhealthy.
Here is a 7 day diet plan to stay fit. You can get a guidance from it to avoid the dilemma:
(Source: ‘The Quarantine Plan’ by Nutritionist Rujuta Diwekar may sort out your weekly diet woes https://food.ndtv.com/food-drinks/the-quarantine-plan-by-nutritionist-rujuta-diwekar-may-sort-out-your-weekly-diet-woes-2198454 )