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Fuel prices are no joke these days. Driving your vehicle leisurely without worrying about the fuel bills seems like a tale of the past, especially if you own a high-performance car, like Ford SUVs, Crossovers, or trucks. While giving up on driving doesn’t seem a viable option, you can, however, adopt ways to increase your Ford fuel efficiency.

There are many factors that affect the fuel efficiency in your Ford, such as your driving habits, vehicle health, road conditions, etc.

In this blog, Ford specialists share five simple tricks for Ford fuel efficiency to help you get the most out of every gallon of gas (or petrol).

But before we get to know what are the 5 ways to improve vehicle fuel efficiency, let’s understand why it is essential in the first place.

Why does fuel efficiency matter?

Fuel efficiency is crucial for the car owner, the environment and the vehicle itself. Firstly, fuel efficiency helps reduce harmful carbon emissions and control climate change. Improved fuel efficiency means your car consumes less fuel, which results in reduced greenhouse gas emissions.

Secondly, it improves cost-effectiveness for both manufacturers and car owners. A vehicle with good fuel efficiency helps its owners save on fuel bills. It also makes the manufacturing company competitive in the market, improving its brand reputation. Further, with regulations on pollution and fuel efficiency becoming strict, improving your car’s fuel efficiency ensures compliance and saves you from penalties.

So, if you want to contribute to environmental sustainability while saving money at the fuel filling stations, you should take measures to maximise Ford’s fuel efficiency through Ford Transit and Ford Ranger services. 

Ford Tips: How to increase the fuel efficiency of the car?

Here are five simple ways that will help you get better fuel efficiency:

Use your vehicle efficiently

You can achieve this by:

● Removing excess weight

Since almost every Ford vehicle is built with exceptional capabilities, it’s quite tempting to load everything and anything you may need on a given day. However, carrying unnecessary loads in your can negatively impact its fuel efficiency.

To avoid this, clean and remove unwanted items from your vehicle before you start your journey. Reducing the extra weight from your vehicle by as little as 45 kilograms could result in a significant fuel economy improvement.

 Use air conditioning wisely

Turning on the air conditioner on an extremely hot day can strain the engine, making it consume more fuel. In fact, various research reveals that using an aircon on a short trip in hot weather can increase fuel consumption by up to 25%.

It is recommended to use your car’s aircon sparingly and keep the windows open, particularly at lower speeds. On the contrary, using aircon is more efficient at highway speeds than driving with open windows. That’s because the extra drag from open car windows can reduce mileage.

Practise the right driving habits

How you drive on a regular basis plays a key role in affecting your car’s fuel efficiency. Rash, speedy driving can cause the engine to work under pressure, leading to higher fuel consumption. So what should you do instead?

● Drive at slower/constant speeds

The faster you drive, the more fuel your car consumes. Hence, drive your Ford car at a constant, slightly below the speed limit. Determine your car’s best spot by tracking your real-time fuel economy indicator at varying speeds. This usually equals being in the top gear at the lowest possible revs.

● Avoid excessive idling

Keeping your vehicle idle for a long time consumes fuel unnecessarily. Instead, consider turning off your engine and restarting it when you are ready to move, as it is more fuel-efficient.

● Accelerate and brake gently

Avoid heavy braking and rapid acceleration, as these decrease fuel efficiency. Gently accelerating and braking, on the other hand, can significantly improve your car’s fuel efficiency. Also, when on highways, use the cruise control (available in most Ford models) to maintain a constant speed.

(Cruise control allows you to set your car to a specific speed, allowing you to take your foot off the accelerator pedal).

Install aerodynamic accessories

To improve your Ford’s fuel efficiency, consider installing aerodynamic accessories, such as air deflectors or a rear spoiler, which helps reduce wind resistance.

Maintain your car regularly

Upkeeping your Ford car can significantly add to your fuel efficiency. For this, you should:

● Keep up with the regular servicing schedule

Always adhere to the manufacturer’s recommended service schedule for your Ford car. This includes oil and filter changes, tyre rotations, wheel alignment, and general checks. Also, regular maintenance helps you detect and fix any potential issues that may cause your vehicle to consume more fuel than usual.

● Use good-quality fluids

Whether it’s engine oil or petrol, always use good-quality fluids for your car. Ford exclusively recommends using Castrol or Motorcraft engine oil and 95 RON (octane) premium unleaded petrol/diesel for your Ford cars.

● Maintain tyre pressure 

If you have under-inflated tyres, this will significantly reduce your Ford fuel efficiency. Hence, always check your car’s tyre pressure and keep them inflated to the recommended levels (typically between 30 and 35 PSI, 33 PSI for Ford cars). Properly inflated tyres minimise rolling resistance and improve mileage.

Plan your trips efficiently

Plan and combine your trips to avoid stop-and-go traffic and congested routes. It also helps you reduce the number of cold starts, which are less efficient than driving continuously. When in doubt, use an accurate GPS application to determine the shortest and clear route to reach your destination to save fuel.


Maximising the fuel efficiency of your Ford vehicle involves a proactive and mindful approach. By adopting gentle driving habits, keeping up with regular maintenance, and making mechanical adjustments, you can significantly increase your Ford’s fuel economy.

Following the above-discussed tips will help you save on fuel bills and contribute to a cleaner environment by reducing your carbon footprint. Remember, a greener, more fuel-efficient automotive landscape is the need of the hour.