If you have ever had to look for your pet frantically through the neighborhood, you already realize the importance of putting name badges on them. Having microchips, name tags, or other such security devices on your pets increases your chances of getting your pooch back by a lot. When it comes to name badges Sydney has a handful of skilled professionals claim that microchipping your pet isn’t enough.
According to some shocking research results, one out of every three pets are either lost or stolen during their life. And, the ratio of dogs who are returned to their rightful owners is even lesser. Which is why, as a pet owner, you have to do everything it takes to ensure that you pooch remains with you – starting with getting them custom name badges.
Microchips or Name badges?
Before microchips were invented, most dog owners used traditional custom name badges for their pets. However, since the invention of microchips, a lot of dog owners do not feel the need to use the pet tags. While microchips are a great way to track your dog’s movements, it must be noted that in the event that you dog runs away, the data on the microchip can only be accessed if someone takes him to a veterinarian clinic or a shelter. But, what are the chances of a stranger going through all that hassle?
Speaking of traditional name badges, Sydney experts highlight that an old-school pet tag is still the easiest way for someone to find details of the lost pooch’s owner and contact them.
Necessary information to include in custom name badges
While the type and design of custom name badges totally depend on the likes and ideas of the pet owner, there are a few essential information that you must include in your pet’s tag:
- Your phone number
- An alternate phone number (just to be sure that someone can be reached)
- Your physical address (so the dog ca be returned to you if he was wandering in the area)
- Any special allergies or needs (in case someone needs to feed him or give him some medication)
- The status of his microchip (it helps to add if he is microchipped so the founder of your dog can access the data if they wanted to)
Is there any drawback to name badges?
There are no possible drawbacks to custom name badges, but if your dog is hyperactive, he may sometimes get his tag caught into something when he is running around or playing. Also, if the tag is too bulky, it might discomfort your pet to the point that he tries to take it off. Additionally, if the custom name badge is too dangly and makes noise, it could be uncomfortable during sleep (or if you have an infant who rests at odd hours).
When choosing pet name badges, Sydney professionals suggest that you pick something that is effective and trendy instead of flashy and inoperative.