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Benefits of Different Tile Shapes

Each tile shape offers unique advantages, both in terms of visual appeal and practicality. Understanding these benefits will help you make an informed decision when selecting tiles for your bathroom. Here are some key benefits of different tile shapes:

  • Square Tiles: Square tiles are a classic choice and offer a timeless look to any bathroom. They are versatile and can be arranged in various patterns, such as straight, diagonal, or herringbone, allowing you to create different visual effects.
  • Rectangular Tiles: Rectangular tiles, such as subway tiles, are popular for creating a sleek and modern look in bathrooms. They can be laid in a brick or stacked pattern, adding depth and dimension to the space.
  • Hexagonal Tiles: Hexagonal tiles have gained popularity for their geometric appeal. They can be arranged in interesting patterns and provide a visually striking effect. Hexagonal tiles work well for creating a contemporary or retro look in the bathroom.
  • Mosaic Tiles: Mosaic tiles are small, intricately designed tiles that come in various shapes, including square, rectangular, hexagonal, and Arrow Tiles. They allow for intricate patterns and can be used to create stunning focal points or accent walls in your bathroom.
  • Subway Tiles: Subway tiles are rectangular tiles that originated from the subway stations of New York City. They are known for their clean and minimalist look and are often used to create a vintage or industrial vibe in the bathroom.
  • Fish Scale Tiles:Fish scale tiles, also known as mermaid tiles, have a unique shape resembling fish scales. They add a touch of elegance and whimsy to the bathroom and are commonly used as a feature wall or backsplash.

Choosing the Right Shape for Your Bathroom

The shape of the tiles you choose will largely depend on the size and layout of your bathroom. Different tile shapes can create different visual effects and impact the overall perception of space. Here are some considerations when selecting tile shapes for different areas of your bathroom:

Small Bathrooms

In small bathrooms, it’s essential to create an illusion of space and maximize the visual impact. Here are a few tips for choosing tile shapes in small bathrooms:

  • Opt for smaller tile shapes, such as mosaics or small square tiles. These can make the room appear larger by creating more grout lines, which visually expand the space.
  • Consider using light-colored tiles. Light shades reflect more light, making the bathroom feel brighter and more spacious.
  • Use larger format tiles While large tiles can be used as accents or feature walls, excessive use of large tiles can overwhelm a small bathroom and make it appear cramped.

Large Bathrooms

In larger bathrooms, you have more design flexibility and can experiment with a wider range of tile shapes. Here are some ideas for choosing tile shapes in large bathrooms:

  • Combine different tile shapes to create visual interest. For example, you can use rectangular tiles for the walls and square tiles for the floor, or vice versa.
  • Use larger tiles to make the space feel more cohesive. Large-format tiles can create a seamless look and reduce the number of grout lines, giving the bathroom a clean and spacious appearance.
  • Consider geometric patterns using hexagonal or fish scale tiles as accent pieces. These unique shapes can add a touch of creativity and sophistication to your bathroom.

Shower Areas

The choice of tile shapes for your shower area can significantly impact its visual appeal and functionality. Here are some tips for selecting tile shapes for your shower:

  • Use smaller tiles for the shower floor to provide better traction and prevent slipping. Mosaic tiles or small square tiles with textured surfaces are excellent choices for shower floors.
  • Consider using larger tiles for the shower walls to minimize the number of grout lines and make cleaning easier. Rectangular or subway tiles can create a sleek and contemporary look.
  • Incorporate accent tiles or a mosaic feature wall in the shower area to add personality and create a focal point. This can be achieved by using different colors, shapes, or patterns.


Popular Tile Shapes for Bathrooms

Now let’s explore some of the most popular tile shapes for bathrooms and their unique characteristics:

Square Tiles

Square tiles are a classic choice for bathroom floors and walls. They offer versatility in design and can be arranged in different patterns, such as straight, diagonal, or checkerboard. Square tiles create a timeless and elegant look that suits various bathroom styles.

Rectangular Tiles

Rectangular tiles, particularly subway tiles, have become incredibly popular in modern bathrooms. They are often used to create a clean and minimalist look. Subway tiles can be laid in a brick or stacked pattern, adding depth and visual interest to the space.

Hexagonal Tiles

Hexagonal tiles have a unique geometric shape that adds a contemporary and stylish touch to any bathroom. They can be arranged in different patterns, such as honeycomb or staggered, allowing for creative and eye-catching designs. Hexagonal tiles and rhombus tiles are a great choices for those seeking a modern and trendy bathroom aesthetic.

Mosaic Tiles

Mosaic tiles are small, intricate tiles that can be arranged in various patterns and designs. They offer endless possibilities for creating stunning focal points or accent walls in the bathroom. Mosaic tiles are available in different shapes, including square, rectangular, and hexagonal, allowing for endless creativity.

Subway Tiles

Subway tiles are rectangular tiles that originated from the subway stations of New York City. They have a clean and minimalist look that has remained popular over the years. Subway tiles are versatile and can be used in both traditional and contemporary bathroom designs.

Fish Scale Tiles

Fish scale tiles, also known as mermaid tiles, have a distinct shape resembling fish scales. They add a touch of elegance and whimsy to the bathroom. Fish scale tiles are often used as feature walls or backsplashes, creating a stunning visual impact.


Choosing the right tile shape for your bathroom is crucial in creating a visually appealing and functional space. Whether you prefer classic square tiles, sleek rectangular tiles, or trendy hexagonal tiles, each shape offers its unique charm. Consider the size and layout of your bathroom, as well as your personal style preferences, when selecting the perfect tile shape. By making an informed decision, you can create a bathroom that reflects your taste while providing durability and visual impact

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What are the most common tile shapes for bathroom floors?

The most common tile shapes for bathroom floors are square tiles and rectangular tiles. These shapes provide a classic and timeless look that suits various bathroom styles.

Can I mix different tile shapes in my bathroom?

Yes, mixing different tile shapes can create visual interest and add depth to your bathroom design. However, it’s important to maintain a cohesive look by choosing shapes that complement each other and suit the overall style of your bathroom.

Are larger tiles better for small bathrooms?

Larger tiles can be used in small bathrooms, but it’s important to strike a balance. While large tiles can make a small bathroom appear more spacious, excessive use of large tiles can overwhelm the space. Consider using smaller tile shapes or combining different sizes to create visual interest while maintaining the illusion of space.

What tile shape is suitable for a modern bathroom?

For a modern bathroom, rectangular tiles, particularly subway tiles, are a popular choice. They provide a clean and minimalist look that complements contemporary design aesthetics. Additionally, hexagonal tiles can also add a modern and trendy touch to your bathroom.

How do I clean and maintain different tile shapes?

The cleaning and maintenance of different tile shapes largely depend on the material used. However, in general, regular cleaning with mild soap or a non-abrasive tile cleaner is recommended. It’s important to follow the manufacturer’s instructions and avoid using harsh chemicals or abrasive tools that may damage the tiles.