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Cloud technology has been around for a while now, but as it continues to evolve, we are witnessing rapid adoption in all industries around the world. Companies big and small are nowadays capitalising on cloud solutions and cloud-based IT infrastructures, whether they’re using an in-house infrastructure or a managed cloud service. Most importantly, though, information technology combined with cloud solutions can help cut costs, automate many processes in your business, and elevate data security – among many other perks this tech brings to the table.

If you have not migrated your operation to the cloud and are still manually managing an in-house data centre with all the necessary hardware, you’re not only wasting money but you’re also limiting your capability to grow. That’s why today we are going to take a closer look at the best cloud solutions and perks that can take your company forward in 2022 and beyond.

Easily scale the cloud to your needs

One of the biggest advantages of cloud computing, aside from the obvious cost-saving perks which we will delve into later, is the ability to scale your IT infrastructure and applications with the evolving needs of your business. In other words, you can optimise your infrastructure as needed, so when you need more resources, you can quickly scale up – or scale down if you’re downsizing.

This kind of flexibility and scalability is imperative for business continuity when you’re growing, as it will allow you to keep delivering the services, solutions, and experiences that your customers deserve. The cloud infrastructure, whether you have it on-side or in a managed online environment, allows you to add applications and resources without investing in new, cumbersome hardware.

Cut extraneous costs and safeguard your investment

All the benefits of the cloud have a single overarching advantage that ties them all together – the inherent financial savings. Creating an on-site data centre is not only a cumbersome task, but a costly one at that. You’d need to procure the space, the hardware, the software, and the talent necessary to manage a robust IT infrastructure on site, and that’s without mentioning the costs of possible expansion or downsizing in the future.

If you’re a small business owner, managing an on-site data centre manually might not even make financial sense, which is why getting a cloud infrastructure (preferably a managed one) is a wise long-term investment. This is one of the best ways to safeguard your digital future and minimise IT costs for the years ahead.

As cloud technology continues to evolve, you will be able to easily integrate new solutions and services, and upgrade to better cloud infrastructures with your cloud provider. What’s more, keep in mind that cloud environments will only become more accessible to small businesses as more cloud vendors enter the global market.

Boost data security with regular upgrades

As the business world continues to rely more and more on digital services, web-based applications, and the virtual world in general, cybersecurity becomes a pressing issue. Needless to say, your priority should be to elevate data security as much as possible in order to safeguard your brand, your customers, and your employees.

To do this, you should not only migrate to the cloud, but you should also rely on professional cloud services that aim to optimise your infrastructure for maximum security and minimal risk of human error. Cloud technology allows for easy cybersecurity upgrades on a moment’s notice, but it’s also important to educate your staff on how to properly utilise the technology and their cloud apps to minimise risks and keep their data safe.

Easy data recovery and business continuity

Along with data security, it’s important to pick the best storage and backup options for sensitive business data. Cloud storage is, without a doubt, one of the best places to store your data, as it boasts the latest security measures but also provides a centralised platform for collaboration and data management.

You can easily control access to different data and assign editing rights, but most importantly, you can set up a data recovery protocol in the cloud. When data gets lost or leaked, you can automatically restore the latest versions and resume your operation without wasting time or money.

Get access to numerous important tools and apps

Lastly, one of the biggest advantages of cloud computing for businesses big and small is that you get access to a variety of communication, collaboration, and industry-specific apps that allow your teams to take their work to a whole new level. Cloud computing also allows your IT experts to better align your processes and services to the needs of your customers, so you can optimise and evolve as the demands and trends in your market change.

Over to you

Cloud computing is constantly evolving and bringing innovative solutions to businesses of all sizes, in every industry in the world. Make sure to invest in cloud technology yourself and use these solutions to take your business forward in 2022 and the years to come.


About the author: Mike Johnston is an experienced blogger and editor with a background in creative writing and digital media. He’s produced thousands of pages of original, engaging content for numerous online publications throughout his career. Mike’s specialties are business and technology, but he also often writes about travel, lifestyle and work-life balance.