If recent clear and sun-filled skies are to be believed, summer is just around the corner. For those lucky enough to have a backyard heaven, this is the ideal time to dust off the patio furniture and get those rose gardens in shape. Although it may not seem like it, this applies to grand gardens as well as petite landscapes outside the kitchen window – just because the space is limited, it doesn’t mean it can’t be beautiful. Thus, if the warm weather isn’t enough to get those design juices flowing, the landscape tips below might just be the spark of inspiration that was missing!
Don’t forget about vertical space
The idea that greener is always better has never been more true than in backyard landscaping. Nevertheless, adding additional greenery isn’t always such an easy feat for smaller backyards, as the property line only goes so far. Thus, when the ground space runs out, it’s time to start thinking upwards and towards vertical landscaping. In addition to giving some lucky flower beds a new home, vertical gardens will open up ground space for other potential projects. Furthermore, for the DIY type, this is an ideal opportunity to hone their carpentry skills, while less adventurous individuals are just a click away from purchasing their custom-made vertical flower beds online.
Rethink patio furniture
Although patio furniture has become the focal point in contemporary backyard design, it isn’t the most convenient option for everyone. Put simply, lounge chairs are oftentimes bulky and may end up eating up smaller spaces with their size. Fortunately, built-in seating presents itself as the ideal alternative for petite landscapes. By installing it at the brim of the deck or even the house wall, minimum ground space is lost, while a cozy lounge area is good to go.
Consider a floating deck
As decks tend to take up a significant amount of space, they’re usually associated with larger backyard landscapes. However, with the right design, they may just come to work in smaller landscapes without eating them up. The secret is simple – think outside of the box. Thus, instead of a deck that stretches out directly from the house, consider installing a floating one somewhere in the backyard. An ideal place may just be that unused corner surrounded by flower beds and once the hammock goes up, your new favorite spot is ready!
Know when to let greenery go
The idea of keeping your backyard as green as can be is a sound one. Unfortunately, sometimes the beloved tulip garden or childhood oak tree has simply passed its prime. Thus, recognizing sick or potentially dangerous plants and trees is crucial for keeping the backyard both safe and beautiful. Once the old tree is removed, garden space will free up for new and original endeavors, which may be especially exciting for those living in vibrant Australian ecosystems such as Central Coast. However, before setting out to fill the space with new greenery, make sure the old one is safely removed. The best way would be to contact professionals that specialize in tree removal in Central Coast and get their expert opinion on the matter. With their expertise and experience, the unhealthy tree won’t pose any more problems for the backyard.
Install a plunge pool
The truth is that even the greatest landscape designer won’t be able to fit an Olympic-sized pool into a small backyard. However, this doesn’t mean that a pool is altogether out of the question. Namely, those with a limited amount of space should consider looking into installing a plunge pool. Even though modest in size, it makes for an ideal lounge during a hot summer afternoon or barbeque with some friends. In addition, because of its size, the plunge pool won’t take a great toll on your savings.
Above are some great initial ideas for redoing the backyard. However, these are by no means a finite list. There is a whole abundance of amazing landscape solutions out there and bringing them together in your own small backyard is the real trick. Therefore, before you map out the ground for the patio, consider all the possibilities that your backyard may offer.