by Blog Hub

It’s important to have confidence in yourself, be it in your abilities, appearance, or emotions. Being confident means knowing that you can handle the emotional outcome of whatever you’ll face, conviction that you possess the ability to meet life’s challenges and to succeed—and the willingness to act accordingly. But it’s only natural that all of us lack confidence in certain areas, and it can be tough to build it up – and easy to lose it via bad personal experiences. There are many steps you can take to help you boost your confidence, some involving actions, others just an adjustment of your viewpoint on life. Let’s take a look at some of them.

Take care of yourself

Healthy body, healthy mind – so the saying goes. And it’s true, physical health will encourage your mental health, which is the base upon which confidence is built. 

  1. Your diet is a good place to start – eating healthy, nutrient-rich foods, cutting down on trans fats and junk food will leave you feeling energised and ready to tackle whatever comes at you.
  2. Physical exercise is another way to give your body, mind, and confidence a boost – you don’t need to pump iron either, just keep active by walking, cycling or playing sports with friends. 
  3. Meditation can also help – set aside a few minutes each day to re-centre your body and mind. Newcomers to meditation and mindfulness can find many apps and other resources online to get started. 
  4. All of the above contribute to good sleep – another essential part of self-care. Studies show that getting good shut-eye reduces anxiety, boosts energy, and improves mood – all things that will contribute to self-confidence. 

Body image and language

How we look and feel in our own skin is important to gaining and maintaining confidence. Feeling comfortable within ourselves will help you to feel relaxed and positive when dealing with life’s challenges. 

  1. Body language is important, and something that needs a bit of effort before it becomes natural. Simple things, such as pulling your shoulders back, are an external sign of confidence – see also smiling, making eye-contact, fully engaging with people you’re interacting with. If you’re introverted this might be difficult at first, but keep practicing and soon you’ll look, and feel, more confident in company. 
  2. Nervousness brings out the worst in us in terms of our speech. Flustered responses, tripping over words, feeling the need to fill any silence. Confident speech is slower, more considered, and more assured. Don’t be afraid of silence – it means time to think through what you’re saying before you say it. 
  3. How we look plays a big role in our self-confidence. Taking the time to wash, groom, make-up, and dress ourselves nicely makes all the difference. But if you lack confidence in your look and attire, try different styles and outfits at home before you go out into the world – feeling like you may have overdone it in public can knock your confidence.
  4. Many people are unhappy with certain features on their body, and some opt for cosmetic surgery. Nowadays there are plenty of highly experienced doctors for rhinoplasty and other common procedures, and gone are the high-costs and stigma attached to getting a little work done. 

Look at things differently

It’s easy to be hard on ourselves. Studies have shown that many people suffer from feelings of worthlessness, or feel like they’ve underachieved in their lives, or made mistakes, and dwell on these things

  1. Overlooking successes and positive steps you’ve taken in your life can shake your confidence. So, how you assess yourself plays a big part in maintaining confidence – remember the great things you’ve done!
  2. Make a list of things you’ve done in your life that have filled you with pride. Success in your job, a great record at university, and many other extra-curricular things can easily be forgotten about in the grips of a crisis of confidence. 
  3. Setting yourself some goals, based on the things you’ve learned, is a good way to build confidence. Start with things you know you can achieve. But remember, gaining confidence means getting outside your comfort zone and facing your fears. Don’t put off rising to challenges, just go out there and get it done.

Confidence has to be worked at. A healthy body and mind lays a great foundation to build on, and being kind to yourself makes all the difference.