(Image Source:- https://study.com/academy/lesson/learning-disabilities-how-to-identify-children-with-a-learning-disability.html)
Sometimes even in normal educational sectors we can see some children are having such kind of difficulties like they don’t copy the words which are written on board, or they are not good in academics. I mean they do not cop up same syllabus which other children can or even sometimes we can see some child who is not able to understand or fail to follow the given instructions to him, sometime child has very poor academic performance.
We can see the children who are having above mentioned difficulties in Schools or at some or other way.
But, Do we take time to think why this particular child is not understanding the simple formula or funda ?
Does he have any problem with understanding?
The answer is no, we are only blaming the child and shouting at him or punish him for not getting good marks or for not performing well inIf your child is facing above mentioned difficulties in academics or in everyday life then he is suffering from Learning Disabilities.
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(Image Source:-http://www.slideserve.com/felix/specific-learning-disabilities-group-presentation)
Kids with learning disabilities aren’t lazy or dumb.
They are consider as slow learners as they are having problem with brain processing and because of that they have to face such kind of difficulties.
Why Learning Disability Occurs?
Here are some facts which present that why Learning Disability can occur in child.
They occurs in child due to any genetic or neurobiological factors can alter the brain functioning in a particular manner which affects one or more cognitive processes related to learning.
So because of these factors processing problems can interfere with learning basic skills such as reading, writing or with problem solving in maths.
And yes, Sometimes they can also interfere with higher level skills such as organization, time planning, abstract reasoning, long or short term memory and attention.
So,It’s important to realize that learning disabilities can affect an individual’s life beyond academics and can impact relationships with family, friends and in the workplace.
How do we get to know that if our child is actually having Learning Disability or he/she is facing this issue due to some underlying disorder?
We have to be very careful about this fact that Learning Disabilities should not be confused with other learning problems which are primarily the result of visual and hearing disabilities.
The people with learning disabilities are of average or above average intelligence or sometimes they are as smart as normal kids.That’s why we can call that learning disabilities are referred to as “hidden disabilities”because the child looks perfectly “normal” and seems to be a very bright and intelligent , yet may be unable to demonstrate the skill level expected from other similar aged child.
Here are some types of Learning Disabilities are mentioned below by which we can differntiate that our child is having which type of Learning Disability:
(Image Source:-https://rightd.wordpress.com/care/learning-disabilities-tutoring/)
(Image Source:- https://astronlife.wordpress.com/astron-articles/dyslexia-signs-and-symptoms/)
Dyslexia is the most commonly seen Learning Disability. Generally it affects the reading and reading related language-based processing skills.
It is characterized by deficits in accurate and fluent word recognition. Reading comprehension is sometimes impaired due to very poor word reading by Individuals with dyslexia.
They often have deficits in phonemic and phonological awareness, which refer to the ability to hear, identify and manipulate the sound structure of a spoken word, including its phonemes, syllables and onset.
They also have impaired orthographic processing, which interferes with connecting letters and letter combinations with sounds accurately and fluently.
- Dysgraphia
(Image Source:-https://ldaamerica.org/types-of-learning-disabilities/)
The term Dysgraphia is referred as the difficulty in forming letters or words.
It generally affects a child’s handwriting ability. Dysgraphy is a learning impairment that includes diminished ability to produce legible and automated letter writing, and sometimes numerical letter writing that can interfere with math and fine engines.
It is rooted in difficulty with storing and automatically retrieving letters and numeral skillshd
- Dyscalculia
(Image Source:-https://www.aceseducation.org.au/learning-disorders/)
In general language we can define Dyscalculia as difficulty in calculation and it commonly happens in math.
It affects a child’s ability to understand numbers and learn math facts.
It is associated with weaknesses in the representation and processing of fundamental numbers which lead to difficulties in quantifying sets without counting, using nonverbal processes to complete simple numerical operations, and estimating relative sets magnitudes. Since these mathematical skills are required to solve higher-level mathematical problems, abstract thinking in these cases is likely impaired.
- Non-Verbal Learning Disabilities
(Image Source:-http://www.communitycare.co.uk/2013/08/23/listening-to-the-voice-of-parents-of-children-and-young-people-with-special-educational-needs/)
They are very less common disabilities but sometimes seen in some children.
In this the child has trouble interpreting nonverbal cues like facial expressions or body language and may have child with this type of learning disability have a well-developed vocabulary, as well as strong reading recognition ability and poor coordination.
- Dyspraxia
(Image Source:-https://www.pinterest.co.uk/pin/373728469058316937/)
In general language Dyspraxia refers to balance and coordination disorder.
In this the child has problems with movement and coordination.
This condition is characterized by muscle function disorders that cause issues with movement and balance, language and voice, and that can impair learning.
Dyspraxia also occurs along with Dyslexia , Dyscalculia or ADHD, Language and speech disabilities but not a learning disability.
- Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder (ADHD) or Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD)
(Image Source:-https://www.solvelearningdisabilities.com/)
This illness, too, is most frequently seen.
This affects the ability of the child to concentrate, be cautious and behave.
The condition involves difficulty keeping concentrated and paying attention, behavior management problems, and hyperactivity.
- Oral / Written Language Disorder and Specific Reading Comprehension Deficit
(Image Source:-http://www.wikihow.com/Diagnose-a-Learning-Disability)
This affects the child’s understanding of what they read or speak.
An Individuals with Oral / Written Language Disorder and Specific Reading Comprehension Deficit struggle with understanding or expressing language often in both oral and written forms.
All these above mentioned difficulties are learning Disabilities.
So, guys if you find any above mentioned difficulties in your child then please contact into child’s school, clinical psychologist and special educator. Please don’t get hesitate or please don’t ignore these type of disabilities, it’s the question of your child’s future. And it’s up to you that how you can make your child’s future bright. And yes please make sure one thing that “Every Child Is Special in Their Own Way”.