Overweight or obesity is considered to be one of the major causes of death as well as diseases around the world as of today. The balanced weight is essential to maintain good health. The basic math of gaining more weight or becoming overweight lies in the calculation of how much calories a person consumes and how much calories he burns in a day. So to maintain a healthy weight, the difference between the calories consumed and calories burnt must be regulated in accordance with the age of the respective persons.
Secondly, losing the count of calories is also a contributing factor to weight gain. While some food items contain more calories even though they are less in portion and some food items contain very fewer calories even if their quantity is more, thus it is confusing for a person to predict the calorie count of a particular item before consuming it. Ultimately what and how much food is consumed by a person is the only determining factor to manage weight.
Health Risk associated with heavyweight
In the past decade, obesity has become a common disease that affects people from a young age itself and has a number of health risks as a consequence of it. Such health risks include diabetes, heart disease, certain types of cancer, etc. According to the World Health Organisation, worldwide obesity has tripled since 1975.
Similarly, almost 13% of the total world population is overweight. Hence it can rightly be said that obesity is a major threat against achieving balanced health and maintaining a healthy lifestyle in today’s era. Obesity has affected a significant population and has put many lives in the risk of many diseases.
Why Lose weight?
- Better Health:
Losing excess weight will ensure that a person has achieved a balanced weight. It will additionally also contribute towards long term health benefits to a person by making him immune against the diseases that are often associated with overweight.
- Confidence:
People with obesity often lack confidence in every stage of life; thus losing weight can work wonders for their self-confidence.
- Fitness:
With weight loss, a person can attain the minimum fitness that ultimately gives him more energy and stamina.
- Fertility:
Obesity is long associated with PCOS in women that lead to higher chances of infertility. Losing excess weight also checks out this condition.
How to lose weight?
Fat cutting:
As the excess percentage of fat in the body contribute to weight gain, it is important to cut the fat intake. In order to do this, a person needs to cut back on their sugar and oil intake as these are the most contributing elements in creating excess fat in the body that the internal system is unable to process and convert to energy. Therefore the first step to being taken for losing weight is cutting all sugar, dairy items from the diet, and also using a few drops of cooking in the kitchen.
Counting the calorie:
It is also important that a person on a weight watch must regulate his calorie intake. There are a number of Apps that can calculate the calorie intake level for a person according to their height, weight, and age. With the help of such Apps, a person must control and trace his calorie intake for immediate results.
Regular exercise:
Another important aspect that is highly beneficial for weight loss is indulging in physical activity or regular exercise. Exercise has an immediate effect on the body of an individual and can help in reducing weight.
It can be concluded by saying that losing weight is essential for a healthy life, but it is also a long process that needs constant effort and dedication.
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