- The treatment is the most important part in ADHD.
- ADHD can not get cured but if it can be well treated then it proves really helpful for the kid who is having it.
The treatment combines 2 different parts:
- Medications
- Different Therapeutic Approaches
- Both these approaches are very helpful in treating ADHD.
- There are different types of medications which are used according to the severity of symptoms.
- They used according to the need of child.
- With the combination of medication the different therapeutic approaches are also important.
- They also play major role in the treating the child with ADHD.
⮚ The Treatment for ADHD can help in relieve the symptoms and also make the condition as much less of a problem in everyday life.
⮚ The plan of treatment is usually designed by a specialist, such as a pediatrician or psychiatrist or psychologist.
- Medications
⮚ The medications plays an important role in the treatment of ADHD.
⮚ If it can be given properly to the child then it proves very beneficial for a child.
There are many different types of medications available for treating the ADHD.
- Therapeutic Approach
- As well as taking medication, different therapies can be useful in treating ADHD in children, teenagers and adults.
- Therapy is also effective in treating the problems which are combined with ADHD.
- Some of therapies are following:
A.) Psychoeducation
⮚ The main aim of Psychoeducation is the parents and their child will be encouraged to discuss ADHD and its effects with the therapist.
B.) Behavior therapy
- Behavior Therapy (BT) can provides support for careers of children with ADHD and may involve teachers as well as parents.
- Behavior therapy mainly involves the behavior management, which uses a system of rewards to encourage the child to try to control their ADHD.
- The Behavior Therapy can include different types of counselling and training programs.
- They are following:
A.) Parent training and education programs
B.) Social Skill Training
C.) Teacher Training Programs
- Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT):-
- The Cognitive Behavior Therapy or CBT is a most important and commonly used therapy that can help to manage the problems by changing the way to think and behave.
- Food and Diet Supplements For Children with ADHD
- Some studies shows that the change or modification in diet plan of children with ADHD can help them a lot.
- It creates a healthy lifestyle of the child and by getting proper nutrition the child’s mental and physical growth can be more positive.
- Sometimes it helps to control the symptoms of ADHD.
- Occupational Therapy and Sensory Integration Therapy
- Both these therapies are very helpful and needful for children with ADHD.
- They helps to manage symptoms and also helps to reduce them.
- Special Education
- Sometimes the child with ADHD is not cop up with normal school standards, so for them the Special Education Program is very helpful.
- This Program is specially designed by special educators, which knows the needs and the main focus areas of child.
- So People, if your child has ADHD then without getting hesitate, start the treatment as early as possible.
- It is beneficial for you and your child both.
- It can help your child to deal and live with ADHD and yes it also helps to manage the hyperactivity and temper of your child.
- You can take help of Pediatrician, Psychologist Or Behavioral therapist to design the treatment protocol.
Read more on Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder (ADHD): Types, Signs and Symptoms