- Seasonal Affective Disorder is a type of Depression in which a person’s mood changes according to seasonal change.
- It’s a mood disorder which occurs at same time every year, it generally occurs during winters every year.
- It begins and ends about the same time every year.
(Source: YouTube https://youtu.be/LHLg3EIH1xY)
- It goes up with the dark and falls down during sunlight.
- It is otherwise known as Mood Disorder, Winter Depression, Winter Blues, Summer Depression, Seasonal Depression or Depressive Disorder with Seasonal Pattern.
- If the person is suffering from SAD then he/she can show major depressive changes in their mood pattern.
Causes OF SAD
- The exact cause of SAD is unknown.
- It can be caused by disturbance of the biological human cycle which controls hormones and temperature.
- The person who already has a past history of depression and lives more in the dark has more chances to develop SAD.
- It occurs during the dark.
- It starts during late winters and ends when spring starts.
- Sometimes due to Vitamin D deficiency the person can develop symptoms like SAD.
- It occurs in fall also.
- Due to a decrease in the level of neurotransmitter Serotonin and melatonin the person develops the symptoms of depression.
- If the person has a family history of depression or else he/she has suffered from some psychological conditions has more chances to develop SAD.
- So all these are the causes of SAD.
- The signs and symptoms of SAD are generally similar to Depression symptoms.
- They are following :-
- Severe changes in mood
- Hopelessness
- Loneliness
- Social Withdrawal
- Loss of Appetite
- The person gets easily angry and sad at the same time.
- Insomnia
- Excessive Sleep or Loss of sleep
- Sadness
- Unknown fear
- Thoughts of suicide and death
- Loss of internet
- Fatigue
- Irritability
- Weight gain or excessive weight loss
- Feeling guilty or worthless
- Lake of concentration
- Poor decision making
- General body weakness
- Dehydration
- Excessive Eating
- Body Pain
- Consuming Drugs Or Alcohol
- Avoiding Activities
- Being Too much Stressed
- So all these above mentioned are the signs and symptoms of SAD.
- If the person can feel these types of symptoms within then he/she has to contact their psychiatrist or psychologist for proper treatment.
(Source: YouTube https://youtu.be/BOWgMW9Zjfg)
- The Diagnosis can be done by Psychologist or psychiatrist.
- There are different scales which are used to diagnose SAD.
- According to some facts and findings women are Four times more prone to SAD than men.
- The young adults aged between 18 to 30years are more prone to develop SAD.
- The people who are living near beaches or full sunny areas are less prone to develop SAD as it occurs in the dark.
- These psychological conditions may occur with Food Disorder, Alcoholism or other mental health diseases.
- There are 2 particular tests which are done to diagnose SAD.
- They are:
- Seasonal Pattern Assessment Questionnaire (SPAQ)
- Global Seasonality Score (GSS)
Treatment Of SAD
- The person who is suffering from SAD has to consult the doctor and start treatment immediately before the symptoms get worse.
- It is completely cured if one can take proper treatment.
- The treatment can be divided into 3 parts.
- They are following:
- Therapies
- Medication s
- Self Care
- All these can be done by a psychologist or psychiatrist.
There are some therapies which used as the treatment of SAD.
These therapies includes:
- Light Therapy
- Light therapy is the one of the treatment therapy used in SAD.
- In this therapy, the patient has to be prone to light boxes.
- These light boxes contain Vitamin D rays which help to cure depression as it’s related to season changes.
- The patient has to sit in front of a light box for a decided period of time and eyes should be covered as the rays’ effects on them.
- This is not used alone as a treatment therapy but it can be used as a combined therapy.
2. Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) Or Talk Therapy
- This is another type of therapy and the most important one to treat SAD.
- It provides long term effects.
- It helps to reduce anxiety, anger and other depressive symptoms.
- The duration of the session can be decided according to the patient’s condition.
- It helps people to manage stress, regulate their lifestyle and live happily.
3. Chronotherapy
- This therapy is based on neurobiological principles which helps to normalize the hormonal levels and also regularize the biological clock of the person.
- It’s otherwise known as Drug Free Therapy.
- Medication s gives best results along with therapies.
- Medications like Antidepressants and Vitamin D tablets can be given to the patient to relieve the symptoms.
- Sometimes if a patient has sleep deprivation then the doctor can also advise him to take sleeping pills.
- This medication is helpful in controlling the hormonal level and taking back the person’s return to his/her normal life.
Self Care
- This is the most important part of treatment for depression.
- Self care includes:
- Regular Exercise
- Balanced Diet
- Good Exposure To Sunlight andPositive Thinking
- All these above mentioned can be the part of Self Care.
- Depression is not that difficult a condition which does not get cured. If it’s properly treated it can get 100% cured.
- So Stop Fearing Of Depression, Fight With It And Get Cured From It.
- Read more on How to Get Rid of Work Depression?